ENC65 PC New Route HELP
2 years ago
New York, USA

I am confused with this trick and need a little help! Using the IGT spreadsheets are we aiming to mash at the time on the sheet or to have the game save at that exact time. I had it very consistently for a few days by mashing save 3 seconds before the time on the sheet to ensure I loaded at the time specified because every run I watched no body started mashing at the time on the sheet but also watching more runs it doesn't seem like the sheet matches up to any ones time they decide to start mashing. Top run for example. #1 starts saving at 1:31:29 uses a up/down buffer. According to the resources FFVII PC ANY% IGTs there is no time even close to that showing that combo to work. Before that time is 1:31:25 Up/Down and after would be 1:31:33 Left/L1. Is there a spreadsheet that is used for the new route? It just makes no sense to me as every other run I watched its the same deal. People are mashing save no where near a time listed on the spread sheet and getting it. PLZ HELP

Portland, OR, USA

The resources on speedrun.com aren't updated terribly often, I would recommend checking out the ff7 community discord, where there are updated spreadsheets for any% runners. You can join discord here - https://discord.gg/7jErRb6bts

Shoutblaster curtiram isso
United Kingdom
Excluído por o autor
New York, USA

Thanks everyone for the help! I will be joining the discord for sure.

ptownrock curtiram isso
New York, USA

@themattdavis that spread sheet you linked is the answer to my problems. I had to have this whole time just getting lucky with times and inputs as I tried it this morning with 100% success rate with that spreadsheet.

ptownrock e themattdavis curtiu isso
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