All kills category?
1 year ago

Can there be added category for all kills? I've even made a run for this I guess there would be difficulties with verifying such runs because it could be hard to see if player actually killed an enemy like when i shot the gas baloon and run away and never seen this enemy to die although he always dies from explosion if gas baloon explodes near a wall( which it was) But i also didn't do this run for nothing so idk watch it maybe

California, USA

Now that the full game is out with a kill counter at the end of the level, I think this category could be viable to be added, maybe a 100% category with all secrets + kills?

British Columbia, Canada

we would need someone to go through every level and find out the maximum possible amount of enemies, i also think theres a chance that scripted interactions would spawn more enemies, and some things such as starting the waves in m3 despawns all other enemies, so we would need to take all of that into account before finding out how to kill all enemies

California, USA

That’s true, that’s true

California, USA

so question, I decided to go through the maps and see how many enemies there are/I could find in them, should I also go ahead and count civilians in the final count or no? Right now I've only done WUC and I just wrote down the total with civvies and without

California, USA

Okay I tried to find out the number of enemies in Water Under The Bridge but I can't seem to find a consistent number. I think that maybe the number of sharks might be randomized or the enemies are just too hard to find, which could be possible due to how many there are and how big the map is. Regardless, I don't think that Water Under The Bridge would work for an all kills percent, which might effectively kill the category before it even comes to fruition due to the fact that you would have to either skip WUTB in a full run or you just wouldn't be able to do an All Kills full run. So, yeah this category might not be meant to be

so I've checked WUTB level, and the number of enemies seems consistent. However there were problem with determining kill count.

So number of sharks seems to be 7, but they don't actually count towards kill count, so they can be ignored.

Now the main problem with enemies is that not every kill will count:

-Kills from Nightwave don't count(worth noting that towards the end of the level after crossing the bridge he will start shooting automatically, so you need to clear every enemy before that)

-Kills from Molotov cocktail don't count

-Kills from explosions don't count

Drowning enemies however works, as well as any other weapon, ranged or melee.

In conclusion there should be 116 possible kills on 'Sleep with the fishes' difficulty, ill probably check this again later as well as for other missions.

Editado por o autor 8 months ago

I've looked through every level and these are my results for 'Sleeping with the fishes' difficulty:

Wake up Call - 55 enemies

Water Under The Bridge - 117 enemies +7 sharks

Shifting Gears - 78 enemies

House of Cards - 25 enemies

Moth to a Flame - 70 enemies

Edit: checked again numbers again but now I memorized every enemy position in the game so I think these should be right.

One weird thing is that in shifting gears one enemy in junkyard doesn't spawn immediately with others? He will spawn some time after I've entered junkyard, but thats annoying

Editado por o autor 7 months ago
United States

Damn, not every kill counting sounds like a bug.

yeah, if this would be fixed, it would be quite easier to play this hypothetical category.

Also question about category, should knocking out opponents count or only killing them? Because in House of Cards mission if I'm to run 100% + kills category it means that I need to pacify enemies first to complete mission and then go and kill them all, which is kinda annoying

So i found another bug, if you knock out an enemy and another one wakes them up, and then you knock them out again the final number of pacified enemies will actually increase to 2, even though only one enemy was pacified in the end.

It might have messed up my findings because if i had some pacified enemies at the end i just added them to number of killed enemies