Can you dash in 'No major glitches' category?
7 months ago

It isn't specified in category rules what's considered major glitch and I get that any clips would be major, dialogue skip I suppose too, but would be dash considered major?

It changes the way speedruns are done significantly but also dodging and turning your head in direction you dodge doesn't seem to be the most game breaking thing.

So I want to know opinion of moderators on this issue

United States

I asked this in the Discord the other day. It's allowed in NMG since the devs are aware of it and left it in, sort of like slam storage in ULTRAKILL. I think by major glitches, they basically mean skips/out of bounds stuff, like climbing out of the water at the start of m2 to prevent the bridge from going down. I don't even think that QS/QL skipping dialogue in m4 is considered a major glitch, though I'd need to ask for confirmation. They may be considering a dashless category, but the problem would be that that's almost impossible to moderate since it could happen accidentally, like when in combat.

I see, thanks for the answer!