Guardian Dragon, in the beginning, is attacking him from behind considered a glitch? As anyone, with no special knowledge or skills, can run around behind him and whack at him from behind. >.< Watching the WR run by Jackal and was like "Why is he smacking that dragon from the front and not behind, which is faster? O.o "
Personally I would consider that not a glitch, according to google, a "Game glitches refer to unexpected software errors or flaws within video games that result in unintended behavior or graphical anomalies. These anomalies range from minor visual hiccups to game-breaking issues hindering progress." Basically the community has to decide if the space being left being is a flaw or not since it is definitely not a software error.
I would too not consider that a glitch. I deem that strat acceptable for the glitchless category.