Can we open a new category on a new map?
5 years ago
Texas, USA

A moderator on Spuddley's channel had a record of 24:52 on the Skaygarden map Modern Warfare 3 gun game challenge. My new time was 21:56. The category is really easy to get in to, but PC only. You just need the [ZM] MODERN WARFARE 3 WEAPON MOD and the SKY GARDEN CHALLENGE map. Spuddley himself has attempted it a few times. Here: is a video of Spud attempting it. Here: is my record.

Editado por o autor 5 years ago
United States

sorry but we have no plans on making any custom maps a part of the leader boards its too hard to see if someone has multiple mods going, or have a newer or older version of the map.

Alex curtiram isso
Texas, USA

Also please post in the questions/suggestions post next time