T7PATCH is it allowed?
4 months ago
United States

Is the t7patch allowed by chance? its help with fps and i want to get in to speedrunning but i dont know if t7patch is allowed, Here is the link to the t7p: Release 2.03 · shiversoftdev/t7patch

Rynss curtiram isso

Would assume so due to the game being hacked all over!

Seward, AK, USA

Yes it is allowed since you linked it. As long as nothing is modified that gives you an advantage over others (exploits, RNG manipulation, etc.) You're good

Rynss curtiram isso

Is it still needed to play safely? From my browsing, it seems like it's safe now without the patch

South Sudan

T7 Patch IIRC is only needed for playing online. So probably not.