speedrun 100%
1 year ago

click the bar evry chapter

click the divination machine evry chapter

click painthing evry chapter

click toilet evry chapter

click the painthing evry chapter

click the pc evry chapter

click on the cigaret evry chapter

click on the ring evry chapter

click leonora painthing 1 time

click the basket whit the apron 1 time

click the chinese lantern before it place for the secret passage

click the tv 1 time

click the piano 1 time

click the evry door 1 time

click evry chair 1 time

click evry mirror 1 time

pet the cat 1 time

read mary and carno letter 1 time

read the pamphlet 1 time

look at the book in the library 1 time

look at the genealogi book open 1 time

click the evil book 2 time so she said she dont know what to do whit the book)

click evry painthing 1 time(carno ,mary)

click the electric chair 1 time

click the crypt entrance 1 time

click the river jump 1 time(before sirus push the tree scene)

chap 1

click 5 time on the baby potrai

click the bear

click the cloud over the crib

use the poker on the fire to stir it

get the grabby bed scene

get all don cut scene including the kitchen scene

grab the newpaper

pick the tarot card

click the sing to see if the grocery ,real estate and antic are open

sit at the real estate

drink from the water cooler

pet the doge in front of the groceery store

open malcolm mail

click the doge

chapter 2

turn off the gramophone

talk to don in the dark room

before going to town click the barn to see its lock

get the hortensia sining to sofia cut scene

get the idle blooper scene in mary room

get evry lou cutscene including reading the scrap book (you can flip the scrap book but you need to see all page)

get the real estate cut scene

clic the donation pot

click the sing to see if the grocery,real estate and antic are open

talk to harv until it loop

read the sing before picking the

give the bone to the dog and talk to the women

in the barn click the pouli and the ladder

click the poney box 3 time

click the pot and give don the draino while he ramaging

chapter 3

talk to don in the bedroom

knock on the blackroom door

click the grape pressor,the empty barel and the full barel

get the ghost hand scene in the cell

talk to sirus until he run out of dialogue

try to pull hariet whit your hand

try to pull hariet whit the pitchfork

talk to hariette and sirus by the camp fire

give hariette the tarot

push the key whit the nail whitout the newpaper

use the new paper on the door

look under the door

use the poker to get the key

see the view from the window

sit on malcolm bed

talk to the real estate gyes

chapter 4

get the medailon cut scene in carno room

try evry item of you inventory on hariette 1 time

get the tarot scene

talk to hariette in the kitchen

talk to hariette in the entrance

talk to hariette in the library

talk to hariette in your bedroom

talk to harriet in the bathroom

talk to sirus in the barn

click the pot in the green house before the murder scene

click the pot after the murder scene

look in the telescope ,put the lense,look again

talk to mike

click the painthing

click the head twister

open the chess

click the neclace

read the journal

chapter 5

see the mirror murder in the tower,torture room,diner room

see the cat in the pound drowning scene

see the gazebo scene

see victoria body in the cellar(this scene have tendency to bug so this speedrun should be done using scumvm)

click the cigarette bud

go out using the lever to mary room and go back in

open the spy hole for mary room

walk to the hole

open the spy hole to the church

go to the cryp read evry sing

open mary and carno tomb whit the poker

walk up the stair

in the theater click the chair

pick the picture go out

chapter 6

talk to mike

in the theater see the movie box scene

see the mirror scene

in mary room see gaston/mary trusting scene

talk to hariette and sirus in the barn

go see malcolm

go to the barn to see that hariette and sirus are gone

chapter 7

click the absynthe in the secret passage

clic the main door of the house

dont pick any item

go to the black room

run to the baby room and stab don

go down to the blackroom and hit don whit the hammer

go to the scret passage and pull the lever to discover mike body

go to the crypt

go to the theater go in the back hide

use the poker on don

proceed to the ending

you have to activate the cutscene but you can press skip on it

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Lanark, Scotland

Umm... That's not what I meant. What you've written here is a Route. As in, your way on how you would PLAY that category. The question was the exact DEFINITION of that category. You say "100%" but what does "100%" mean and how do you track it? What even are all items (some of which I believe are mutually exclusive) and what are all cutscenes (some of which are DEFINITELY mutually exclusive.)? That is the questions that need answers. Not what you think the best route is.

Lanark, Scotland

I believe the charm and the amulet are mutually exclusive, so you can't have both. Do you have to present every Item to the skull? Do you have to click the skull for every possible hint?

And most importantly, if there's no automated way to track or to confirm that "100%" is indeed reached, it is almost impossible to verify a run as a moderator, because you'd need to have one GIGANTIC checklist to go through confirming a run that you stated yourself to be 45 minutes long... I'd like to clearly state that I'm by no means against your category, and am happy to make it one on SRC. I'm trying to make you see the problems with it.

100% cut scene doesnt mean 100% item like if you want the long ending cut scene you need to choose the crucifix in the crypt instead of the crucifix in lou shop it mean you can ignor the brooch in the chest (and by definition the cut scene where you trade the brooch to lou for the cross)

those cut scene is base of the longuest way to play the game the longuest route the most complex that what i mean by 100%>.>maybe if poeple was taking the time to play the game properly instead of using a walktruthg or the hint keeper they will know all those scene)

like if you do all hariette cut scene in chapter 4 you will skip the scene where sirus atack your cat but those hariette scene is 5 cut scene instead of 1

if you do all cut scene of don in chapter 1 its 3 suplementary cut scene

there cut scene like talking to malcolm nurse that are in most poeple playtruth ignored because they only got to the house went they actually have the book

ya there a gian check list that not a route i put that a check list of all the cut scene (i skip writhing the cutscene that already part of the story and will be obtain automaticly)

the principle is mostly is interact whit evrything interactable at leas 1 time excluding road choice in case you need to make the choice of a exclusif item alway go for the road whit the most interaction

poeple ignor stuff like checking the painthing,bar divination machine,pc,cigaret and ring , thing that have to be done evry chapter ,poeple ignor stuff like sithing on chair ,looking themself in the mirror, using adrianne beauty product all item made to build the world (the rule is to click those at less 1 time in the play truth )

maybe my check list wasnt clear enought

Victoria, Australia
Deleted by the author
Victoria, Australia

Ugh, I edited my previous post and it didn't save. Trying again as a new reply.

Like Shoxx said, it's very hard to track 100% as a category. But there are things you could do like, AllDeaths% for instance.

The best categories are simple to define and allow runners the freedom to develop their own route. By simple I mean give the runner a clear goal (Feed the Dog, Complete a Chapter, Get an Item).

If your goal is view every cutscene, that is doable but a pain to verify. You would need to provide a list of all the cutscenes and where\when they play, even then it's hard to verify because so many of them can be skipped on almost frame 0 of the movie.

What I would suggest is do the run yourself. When I suggest categories, I usually record myself doing it, and explain it while I play. I detail what is required for the category, why and how to achieve\verify it. This gives the mods a much clearer idea of what you are putting forward.

Having said that, It's great to see a new runner interested in the game. Running Phantasmagoria is a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see anything you submit.

im not a new player i play this game thousand of time since i bought it in 1995 went i was 10 years old

i also watched a lot of poeple playing the game on twitch my issu whit that du to the fact that they all use walktruth or the hint keeper they miss 90% of the cut scene

i know this game of the tip of my finguer and hithing all the check mark on my 100% list can be done pretty fast went you know what to do to obtain them

but i wonder how fast it could be really be done

i have my how route i didnt discribe my order of action that make me get evrything clickable and evry cut scene in the faster time possible so there plenty of way poeple can find that

i probably need to record a slow run to show evry of those scene to properly show what the game actually look like before poeple could do the run properly but i dont have the confidence that i can explain and play at the same time

Lanark, Scotland

Again, this is not about your route. Routing has nothing to do with the definition of the category. It's great that you've played it a lot and we appreciate your experience and willing to contribute. But it's an organizational problem, not one of experience. I don't know if this will help, but here goes: If I run along the street for a stretch of what I think was 100 meters in what I think was 9 seconds, I'd be the WR holder for the 100 m sprint. However, for others to accept that record, I need to prove that it was indeed 100 meters (confirmation of category) and that I ran it in 9 seconds (proof of the run). This seems easy at face value, but what is a meter? I can't just get a 1 meter stick and mark it off 100 times, it will be to imprecise. There is an independent athelets body that can make official 100 m markings on a track for official races. What we need you to do is give a clear and unmistakable definition of what your category is. There is no instance of the game that tracks items or cutscenes or any other progress other than plot advancement. So you have to

  1. Clearly define the exact ruleset of your category in a way that cannot be misinterpreted.
  2. Give a list of all the things that need to be checked off in order to qualify for your category.
  3. Then and ONLY then can routing begin. You cannot route a run that doesn't have a clear category definition.

I encourage you to do all these things and am happy to discuss everything else, after you've done 1. and 2. I also encourage you to do a speedrun in an existing category to get into the matter of recording, timing and submitting a run.

Lanark, Scotland

I have reread everything you wrote, and now see that that was in fact meant to be a checklist and not a route. That is fair, but I still need a clear definition of the category. "All Cutscenes" does not work like I said there are mutually exclusive cutscenes, so a choice has to be made. So please clearly define the category.

Then you will have to demonstrate somehow that that checklist corresponds to your category. For example, what if there is a cutscene that you don't know about? If that's not included in your checklist, then there's a discrepancy between what you claim and what is reality. And "Trust me bro I know the game inside out" is not a good argument. You wouldn't trust me if I said I ran 100m in 9 seconds.

And finally, as both Bernie and I have stated, it is extremely difficult to verify that a run indeed satisfies the criteria of that list. How do you propose a mod checks that everything on the (insanely long) list has been fulfilled? You can't ask us to do multiple hours of checking that you've done everything in a 1 hour submission every time you submit a run, you know?

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