strats thread
9 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

I think a thread for sharing strats is not a bad idea.

Currently I'm trying to find out the fastest any% ( bronze ) strats for the GDI Campaign. I already figured out some interesting strats. I'm planning to record them sometime and then upload and link them in here.

The only interesting thing I found so far is that there are main objectives that can be skipped, so the game probably doesn't check if you have done it. For example you can complete the mission Croatia without rescuing the MCV by overtaking one of Nods Construction Yards.

I just found that engineer teleport glitch and it is very easy to do, so that will improve a lot of things, but I don't think it's too broken, because there are missions where you can't build anything at all, so you can't perform the glitch and you can't take over everything. It is probably a lot more useful for 100%, so that's probably getting more interesting than just building a big army and destroy the enemy. You can also do the same with any infantry unit with a building you can occupy, but idk where this would be useful.

Here are my results so far ( I will update this playlist over time ):

That would mean you need to run on 1.0 only since 1.9 patched the engineer powerplant glitch

Also meaning it's going to be difficult for anyone running on 360

Bavaria, Germany

yeah, I still don't know about what we should do about all the different Patches and about the 360 version, but so far everyone runs it on the PC version, so 360 is no concern so far. I want to run on 1.0 because it's very likely the fastest version and the strats are pretty interesting so far imo, but I will probably also see what strats you can do on the patched version. I don't know if you can remove the Patch though except from reinstalling version 1.0.

Bavaria, Germany

I'm finally done with finding some good strats for the GDI campaign any%. Now let's practice them and grind some runs.

Thy_Redeemed likes this
Bavaria, Germany

Finally got to do a decent run of this game:

so I will do a few more runs and then start to look into NOD missions next.

United States

Grats on your run!

I originally thought the game didn't have in-game time because I didn't see it in the Scrin campaign video. I'll add it to the leaderboards as another field.

I'll come by sometime in the next few months or so, I've had personal problems come up so internet hasn't been top priority. Mostly grades

Bavaria, Germany

So I tested the any% strats on hard difficulty and it seems like they all still work pretty well. You only need to do a few adjustments to make it more consistent. So I'll list up the important differences I noticed:

-North Carolina Badlands - Casabad: I didn't notice any difference there. Maybe there is more resistance, but the strats worked out without any problems.

-Alexandria: Your Mammoth Tank is not on elite, so it is too weak for the strat I used. The best application is probably to use it to destroy the cranes on the harbour with your infantery and to destroy the HQ via Orcas.

-Cairo: no difference.

-Croatia: I think the enemy builds more firepower on hard, so you need more units to attack the bottom left base. Destroying the top right base with 10/11 Predators still works well.

-Albania: Your Firehawks don't have any veterancy, so you need 4 (I think) instead of 2 Firehawks to destroy one of those buildings. In addition there are more venom gliders and enemies that actually attack your firehawks, so you need to be a bit more careful.

-Sarajevo: You start with 10.000 credits instead of 15.000, so you need more money from somewhere. Other than that it is pretty much the same.

-Munich: There are more enemies attacking including some Annihilator Tripods, so you need to be a bit more careful, but that's all.

-Cologne: Getting your Commando into that building is a lot harder here since your commando only has elite instead of heroic veterancy, there are more enemies in the way and 2 Corruptors are in the way right at the end. So the best strat I could find was to first cross the river with your commando and then go ahead and stay as close to the river as possible to avoid a devourer. As you reach the bridge you can cross the river+bridge with the jetpack and then try your best to get into the building. Alternatively you can build an airfield and make it visible with some aircraft if your commando dies.

-Stuttgart and Berne: no real difference. The strats should still work out perfectly.

-Rome: There are no money crates crates in the middle of the map, so you need to get some money elsewhere.

-Ground Zero: You have one crane less, so you may build up your aircraft a little slower, but it's not that much of an issue.

Bavaria, Germany

So I discovered some new stuff:

  1. If you pause the frame a transmission appears you can get the pause menu during the transmition and if you let it play out the game will just keep going during the pause screen. You can even change settings during the game plays and if you exit then there will be no sound, but no transmitions will interrupt you. While this glitch is very funny I didn't find any application to it, as you can't give any orders during the pause screen. Also saving during the transmition doesn't seem to cause anything special.

  2. This:

So I already knew that you could take over the construction yard with the Engineer if you use pauses to do fast inputs. However I didn't know that losing all your buildings gets you the Liquid Tiberium Bomb (I tought it was only timer based and with that assumption good ending is faster). So Bad Ending is faster than Good Ending, so well that's a thing now. At least the strat for bad ending is pretty cool.

Bavaria, Germany

I found 2 new optimizations:

One small optimization for Berne saving ~7 secs:

And a big one for Albania saving ~1 min:

ROMaster2 likes this

There is a glitch that makes a mind controlled unit permanently owned by the side of the controller if you save and load when a unit is mind controlled. It's theoretically possible to get a stack of Predators and Grenadiers with this glitch and crush the GDI base without getting reinforcement in Scrin mission 2.

As mentioned in "Rules discussion", "in 1.07 the speed of the mothership has been increased by 33%." It might be necessary to time which version is the better choice for Scrin campaign since the speed of Mothership can affect the final mission a lot. The only significant advantage of version 1.0 is probably on the first mission.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
E_Dragon likes this
Bavaria, Germany

Wow, I didn't know about that glitch, thanks. That's some pretty awesome stuff.

The only problem I see with 1.07 is that it includes 1.05 as well which patches the engineer glitch, which could make some missions faster, but sure it's definitely worth testing. The last Scrin mission takes an eternity.

The engineer glitch surely helps a lot in GDI and Nod campaigns, but not so much in Scrin campaign. The only obvious benefit it offers is to capture the two GDI construction yards quickly in the first mission. Using Mastermind to teleport Assimilators is probably faster than using the glitch in mission 3.

Bavaria, Germany

I haven't done a lot with this game lately, but I'm back again to NOD missions and did the first 4 missions and I already know what to do on the next 3. Update: I got up to Slovenia now I will upload everything regarding NOD missions here:

Edited by the author 8 years ago

There's a way to rollback an official Steam/Origin version to 1.0 or I need to install the disc version? I might do some runs in the future and I would want to practice first :P

Bavaria, Germany

Nice to see someone interested in this game! I have the game installed via the disc. I don't know anything about the steam version tbh, but since it was released after the 1.09 patch I guess it's patched.

Also I got all of NOD missions except for: Sarajevo, Operation Stiletto and Kane's Tower. Sarajevo and Operation Stiletto will probably end up with a lot of saboteur warping. I have not done anything for Kane's Tower yet though and this one will be pretty interesting and require a lot of testing.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

I just figured out how useful planning mode can be for the engineer warp glitch. Basically you can warp a ton of engineers by only placing 2 buildings if you let them all go at once. This made Kane's Tower quite a bit faster and easier: I think this could be used in other missions as well ... I'm thinking of Sarajevo in particular, where I have a good strat quite figured out now.

UPDATE: Nod missions are done now. I could still look a little for optimizations.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

How did you make Saboteur run that fast in Operation Stiletto? I thought this mission would be a nightmare since you can't build structures at the beginning and the enemies' movements are too random.

@zenix You can rollback by adding "-runver 1.0" to the target field of the shortcut.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

The game changes some units on a few missions. For example in the Rome mission the Master Mind also has a rail gun, which kills your infantery and in Cologne your engineers are also faster. Same goes for a few NOD missions where your Saboteurs are just faster like Outback, Sidney City Wall and Ayers Rock as well as Operation Stiletto.

The strat was discovered by noend11: The way it works is that both GDI and Scrin will not attack you until you attack each somehow, so you use planning mode to capture all buildings at once, before they start attacking your saboteurs.

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