LevelFirst place
GDI 01: North Carolina Badlands
GDI 02: The Pentagon
GDI 03: Hampton Roads
GDI 04: Langley AFB
GDI 05: The White House
GDI 06: Casabad
GDI 07: Alexandria
GDI 08: Cairo
GDI 09: Croatia
GDI 10: Albania
GDI 11: Sarajevo
GDI 12: Munich
GDI 13: Stuttgart
GDI 14: Cologne
GDI 15: Berne
GDI 16: Rome
GDI 17: Ground Zero
Nod 01: Goddard Space Center
Nod 02: The White House
Nod 03: Andrews Air Force Base
Nod 04: Hampton Roads
Nod 05: Washington DC
Nod 06: Amazon Desert
Nod 07: Atlantic Coast
Nod 08: Slovenia
Nod 09: Sarajevo
Nod 10: Outback
Nod 11: Sydney City Wall
Nod 12: Downtown Sydney
Nod 13: Ayers Rock
Nod 14: Northern Italy
Nod 15: Italian Hills
Nod 16: Operation Stiletto
Nod 17: Kane's Tower
Scrin 1: London
Scrin 2: Munich
Scrin 3: Croatia
Scrin 4: Threshold 19
This view only considers subcategories that apply to all levels. There are 1 more level-specific subcategories that apply. You can find more information by clicking on a level.
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