Low% True ending speedrun?
United Kingdom

So I was thinking of doing the worst idea ever and doing a Low% true ending speedrun. And I would like to ask, How on earth would I submit it here? Can I submit it here. (Edit: This is a bad idea because the run takes about 50 hours to do)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

There are no boards on here specific to low% te because, like you said, it's a bad idea. Quacksilver maintains a separate spreadsheet for all kinds of various wacky nonsense, and she has a page for low% te on that: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSJ1v4QTheoTAZJd0xob-MVYZjOiAl3FWm8HXRk6I2apDpR_UH5fkJwA4xd6Ayo9IKaPZcDhRkjwC3y/pubhtml#

Pandrrr, CuteReimu, and Quacksilver like this

I'm really curious about the percent breakdown of Low% TE.

Michaelo likes this
United States

The total is 26%:

To kill the Dreamers: 1% - Monomon 1% - Lurien 1% - Herrah 1% - Dream Nail

To get to the Dreamers: 1% - Uumuu 1% - Watcher Knights 1% - Vengeful Spirit 2% - Mantis Claw 2% - Crystal Heart (These are the %s a Low% non-TE run has)

To kill Traitor Lord: 1% - Hornet 1 2% - Mothwing Cloak 1% - Hornet 2 2% - King's Brand 2% - Shade Cloak 1% - Traitor Lord

To complete White Palace: 1% - Broken Vessel 2% - Monarch Wings 1% - Dream Wielder 1% - Awoken Dream Nail

Then, lastly, you have Void Heart itself, as 1 more %, adding up to 26%.


How can I collect 1800 Essence without defeating any Warrior Dream and Dream Boss except Lost Kin? Just killing regular enemies again and again?

Michaelo likes this

yep that's why the run is 50 hours long


the quickest strategy is the second room in greenpath, the one with the birds and the bench. enter the room from the left side, kill the 2 birds theough the floor, double jump higher to kill more birds through the floor, then fall and kill the birds on the bottom with vengeful spirit.


Isn't killing glitchy 1.4+ bees faster now?


wait do you mean the room with a lot of bees and the grub? if so then that might be quicker i kinda forgot that exists


No, on 1.4+ Husk Hives (The ones that spawn small bees) will after a while start spawning bugged bees that; -Have 1 health (dies to one nail slash) -Don't have a hurtbox (They can't damage you but you can damage them) -Can drop essence and they spawn super fast as well so you just go to the room in Hive with three Husk Hives, get them into a specific corner and upslash bees for 30 hours

Michaelo and T_K_3 like this
Colorado, USA

hive number 1 baby lfg hive my goat frfr talk to em baby whooo fr

Bain8renn, QueenMagnolia and 3 others like this

yeah,that's a bad idea lol


i never knew that glitch existed

She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I think wr right now is with birbs because loadless time is much smaller, I actually don't know if bees are faster, but they are definitely comfier, you can just press a button for 30 hours so you can do other stuff while doing it. (Also, is it bad if I actually submitted a low te run to true ending?)


As long as the run follows the rules (Is done in a single segment etc), it should be fine! However, it's gonna probably take ages for it to be verified due to the long runtime haha

Moonshine_ and Pandrrr like this

The moderators will also think it is a bad idea. hhhhhhh

This is now possible to do with only 23% completion %. You no longer need Monarch Wings or Broken Vessel to do it.

I think the fastest run now is 49:59:50, but maybe someone has done it faster.

Edited by the author 2 years ago