endless categories
1 year ago

Campless. Endless Survival Your goal is to complete as many waves as you possibly can without using checkpoint, mystery box, chair, tractor and pap areas. Basically every area where killers cant detect you. User must provide a full video. If you enter the camping spot, it wont count

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Yeah we could have a Camped and Campless category.


good idea

United Kingdom
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

so the main long hallway counts right? Also i have an idea for another category, the highest round without leaving the game! that will be fun


Gonna see this in category extensions hopefully.

HLEBUSHECPlay likes this

campless high round makes squads the meta, i like that cus solo high round, camping or not, is FUCKING BORING

Edited by the author 1 year ago
lemoncoughdrop likes this

There is no way to make sure somebody goes in and doesnt go in the check point room.


raw footage (prolly still gonna be hard tho)

just keep the door closed entirely, no juggernog or armor allowed :D


no magic runs and no gamepasses i think would be cool, also what if you were to go behind mystery box to leave the game? would that be camped, even if lets say you weren't using any camp strategies?

lemoncoughdrop likes this

if you want to return to menu without having to camp, just hoard up the killers on one side of the hallway and run to the other side after pressing return to menu (thats what i do)

LetterG likes this

i think the only exception to this should be going in and out of checkpoint room to get juggernog/armor

LetterG likes this
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Hey everyone. With the new speedrun changes added in the latest update, it is now required that every new runs submitted has the cup icon displayed. Rules has been updated to reflect this change.

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