Tips for people who wanna reach 200+ Rounds in Endless Survival
1 month ago
Tokyo, Japan

Hello, today i'm going to say some things that might help you in case of very high rounds like 200+ or 250+ at endless survival. This will be a very short thread, so don't worry about a giant text

1: The MG42 can become useless after a couple of rounds in the 200s (A lot of machine guns in the game, even PAPed, can do a very low damage after it) So, try to use more destructive weapons like the PAP RayGun, PAP Crossbow and PAP M1911, but relax, you can still use the PAP MG42 and other machine guns if an insta kill comes

2: Be careful about choosing your perks, yea, i did a pretty dumb decision on choosing my perks after losing the Quick Revive (I picked up the Who's Who, when you die with it, the other perks stay with you, and i chose Speed Cola among the 4 perks :/ i could choose more powerful perks like Deadshot Daiquiri, etc.)

3: In high rounds, the killers WILL have more health and the round will take longer and longer to be finished, so, please be patient if you wanna film doing 3 or 4+ rounds in the 250s


whats the point of that guide? if the player is already at round 200+, wouldn't they just already know all that?

a tip from former killhouse wr holder to any rounds. Don't die.

Edited by the author 1 month ago

a tip from epicbluebrickman228: dont play endless


so what would be the recommended power ups?


double tap electric cherry quick revive juggernog

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