Can you make me a moderator?
7 years ago
Texas, USA

Hey DreamSeeker, I was going to do a run of this game soon to get it up here, but I guess you didn't see that message on the Cars series forum in time? Oh well, either way can you please make me a moderator? I want to make sure that this game doesn't just go away since after the game has been on the site for a week with no progress on it it will disappear, and it doesn't look like you're having a lot of time to make progress on it.

DrSeek likes this

No I see this in time :P

Same, if you want to pass mod to me as well I'm currently working on this game and have some things to talk to other runners about as well.

Victoria, Australia

Ok, I have been waiting to talk this for a while. I also would like to be mod as well since I've been thinking of ideas that could be cool in this game.

Texas, USA

Could you tell us a few of these ideas?

Victoria, Australia

I think that the all master events rules need to change since they are so vague and need more explaining. Also we could add more categories to the game like collecting all of the skill checks in the fastest time would be fun. With that run we could see a more interesting run of the game. Those are some ideas I thought were good inclusions in the game.

Jak8 likes this
Texas, USA

Alright, well... I would add you, but I want to see if Daniel_1RD and DreamSeeker32 will approve (I don't think BnH247 will be back, so I won't worry about his approval).

GoldMaker likes this
Victoria, Australia

Ok, Thanks

Texas, USA

If they don't respond within a while, though, I might just make you an admin.

Texas, USA

What exactly is unclear about the All Master Level Events category? It seems like it's really clear to me. Do you feel like something should be added?

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Victoria, Australia

The difficulty setting on it. I ran it on Medium mode so I think that should be the difficulty of it.

Texas, USA

I see. I guess that we could make subcategories for each difficulty.

Victoria, Australia

That would be cool!

New York City, NY, USA

i disagree that would be lame.....


Can i get a modderator role 😳

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Any% & 100% Added to Leaderboards

With the increase in interest for Any% and 100% speedruns, both have been added to the leaderboards. These are the first Full Game categories to be done with Real-Time Attack (RTA) as opposed to IGT (In-Game Time). While the timing methods for previously existing categories are unchanged, the rules

7 months ago
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