Rejected Run (Not following Rules, but I'm not able to)
2 years ago
United States

So, with the all new release of Dolphin Emulator on Xbox. There's no way to show the Dolphin toolbar in anyway.

The only thing I can show is FPS and Maybe Lag Counter and Frame Counter if its applicable to being able to be shown on screen.

I can't really do anything other than those 3 things I just listed. The emulator just came out maybe a week ago for retail xboxs.

If it cannot be submitted like this from a dolphin emulation run on xbox then please state that in the rules.

United States

UPDATE: Frame Counter, Inputs, and Clock and Lag Counter can be shown on screen. Other than that, that's all I can do.


wow, didn't notice that it is avaible on xbox now, first I'm hearing about this. Will look into it later during the weekend

Scottie likes this

Quick glance into capabilities of the xbox version of dolphin, that should be good for settings. Only question I have is how to indicate in a video/run that it is on a xbox so I know that the toolbar is not possible. (otherwise a player could try to play off a pc emu run as a xbox one...) xbox cheats are harder to do then a pc (hence the strict rule set for emu).

If you have a solution to that, I'll update the ruleset to specifically state that it is allowed.

United States

I don't really know a way to tell that it is specifically an Xbox Emulator run... Other than the really small FPS counter in the top right and the info (which states in the rules they have to be used)

I don't really think a run on pc on dolphin can be faked as a Xbox run due to the very big resolution differences. I believe dolphin single handedly makes the FPS counter to your monitor size with pc dolphin.

Now since it's a direct port of dolphin to Xbox, I'm not sure it has that capability. If anyone has a 4k resolution monitor and would like to try that, they could. Personally I don't use 4k monitors.

United States

See like this.

This is my monitor rendering the FPS counter and info. It's abnormally large compared to the Xbox. (This is a 1080p monitor)

4k.. I don't really know about until tested otherwise.

United States

Though if you do need help with anything involving the emulator on xbox, I can surely help.


does the display with the Frame Counter, Inputs, and Clock and Lag Counter on the xbox appear different compared to when it is on pc?


I see the video now, it's getting late so I can't look into it much more right now. What capture method is used for xbox? Also I wonder if the size of the FPS counter is determined by the size of the screen or the console? ie does using the xbox with a different size tv screen (or computer monitor if possible), would change the size of that.

United States

Size Wise, It looks different imo.

I simply use the "Record What Happened" feature. 30 seconds.