im going to call it accelerated turn hopping (ath), il add vidio soon but essentially, first hold crouch then look 90 degrees to the right then hold a and d while still holding crouch then hold jump, after every jump look forward and before you hit the ground look 45 degrees to the right, also, you can transfer between a and d if u want for better control.
EDIT: video:
so uhh . how do i put it ... in short: this isnt something new and you are doing it wrong
you wanna do long slow strafes that start from a 45 degree angle .. uh here is a little vid from spoo that explains it well (starts at 3:50)
Karlson is going to have a tournament! This year we're counting with 32 competitors - 4 times the amount of last year's tourney! All matches for round one have been scheduled as follows (all times are in the GMT timezone):
- 2:00 PM @VenusPower vs @Binship
- 5:00 PM @sirty