Hey everyone. To all the Linux users out there, good news! You can now submit full game speedruns timed with In-Game Time without requiring the Livesplit autosplitter because, well, Livesplit isn't supported on Linux. There are a few new verification requirements that your submissions will need to adhere to in order to qualify. You can find them in the General Rules section of the Karlson SRC page, but I will drop them here as well:
- In-Game Audio turned on and clearly audible
- In-Game Music turned on and clearly audible
- No background audio that interferes with the clarity of In-Game Audio/Music
Final decision goes to the moderation team to determine if your submission meets these standards. To be safe, please turn the volume up rather than trying to make it as quiet as possible.
Oh, this also applies to MacOS users. I think I've seen like two of you out there, so yeah. Peace 8)
Karlson is going to have a tournament! This year we're counting with 32 competitors - 4 times the amount of last year's tourney! All matches for round one have been scheduled as follows (all times are in the GMT timezone):
- 2:00 PM @VenusPower vs @Binship
- 5:00 PM @sirty