New category proposal
9 months ago
United Kingdom

Gentlemen I’d like to propose a new category outside of training mode, just hear me out:

It’s called Fish%:

The idea of it is to get 100 fish kills by any means necessary in casual tf2 with no outside help from friends or external cheating software.

The run starts when you first open the game and equip scout with the fish and the run ends on your 100th fish kill, all secondaries and primaries are free game.

Now the question of the “why tf would you suggest this” is simple: It’s funny and I think it would be fun to run, sure there are pitfalls of it with bots and hackers but still, I think it would be fun and entertaining to run like spyros silly%.

I understand people here fully stick to offline but I think this is a fun and stupid enough reason to make an exception, an alternative is doing this same concept but in the offline bots mode and to be honest I mainly uploaded this for a laugh so yea.

Fish gaming.

Yeet_O_Clock likes this
Washington, USA

I wouldn't mind that, but I feel as if having a Gun game category would be arguably better than having it stuck to one particular weapon.


This would be a fun idea for a challenge (and video!) but a speedrun leaderboard kind of relies on everyone "playing the same game", I.E. you're not in an online match where random people's behaviour are a factor. Human(s, if co-op) on one side, only computer code on the other, so to speak.

COULD belong on a "category extensions" kind of board though, when the whole point is memes anyway

Edited by the author 9 months ago
United Kingdom

Yeah I feel like that could work better, if not here I’ll just make a “tf2 category extensions” board myself so that the option could be there for people who wanted to run it now that I have the idea.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
United States

would be funni i agree

United States
She/Her, They/Them
9 months ago

sounds intresting.

United States

How about fastest CTF? I managed to do turbine in 1:49, though it took a lot of collaboration with my team


Hey guys! It's surely good to have opinions on what should or shouldn't be added, the main problem we had the past years were that some ideas would quickly become too stale, kind of a "walking simulator". The fish% idea while silly and fun, would mostly be an endurance test that very few would like to participate, especially with multiplayer in mind.

I'm all up for new categories, I just am skeptical on what will be good and what will be too niche/stale, Pre-Jungle Inferno or Individual Levels as an example can be fun, but is very very niche and it seems as though it's becoming too stale

MemezAnimates likes this
United Kingdom
Deleted by the author
United States

no, is explicitly against online pvp categories

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New Category!

There were many threads regarding a category similar to this and now a way has been found to implement it, please read all the rules to not miss anything crucial and send me a message in case something is wrong

1 year ago