The answer is probably a 'no', but here it is anyway!
I started work on this back when I first saw the GTA III Winter Mod race like a year ago, and I noticed there's no winter mods for VC with cars sliding all over the place, so I though I'll make one!
Let me know if something's broken, I didn't have time to test the whole thing completely.
REQUIRED patch:!E4JgGJhb!DDijPF7pIVacAFEb6r1ncWFXsd_CfLPFwztOC4sxZsU
Recommeded mp3 pack:!s1pljDzB!DC5y9mbOCv4BsLHBTuMOQgfAuU06Olp1f8fUDnHlks0
Also, sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, they wasn't any rules I could follow posted anywhere, so.. uh.. pls no ban.
Same here, looks like something with player model is broken, because game throws the same error when you try to enter player skin setup.
I'm guessing you guys are running the Japanese version? I haven't tested it on that, that's actually my bad. Unless I packed something wrong, which could be the case, since everything works fine for me on my local English version.
Clean international, you must have missed some files. Install clean game and see what's missing.
I don't have access to my computer atm, I'll check out what's wrong tomorrow. I'm not exactly sure what could I forgot to pack.
Alright, I know what was wrong, something screwed up with gta3.img while packing the files.
I fixed that + made the mod compatible with the Japanese version.
New link:!glxggKbR!6xyLCnk0WIzsr-hHxSEvuzkRk_ZxoH3o0sL-_kbTmc4
I also updated the first post with this link.
Thanks for the kind words!
And since I have nothing better to do, I also made a pack of 11 songs that should fit just fine with the winter atmosphere.
Just throw the 'mp3' folder to the game folder, and better remove what was there before...
I got the songs from sites that say that the music is royalty-free, non-commercial and stuff like that, if anybody is interested.
Is there anything in terms of difficulty that is different? GTA3 winter mod wasn't just a winter overhaul, it edited most the missions to make it way harder. What exactly without really spoiling does this offer?
Umm... actually I didn't touch the main.scm file at all, since I wasn't sure what I could change and I'm pretty sure I would need to do all the changes twice, for the international version and the japanese one.
Well, the mod is compatible with both international and japanese versions, so if somebody doesn't want to play the mod on the japanese version, they can just install it on the international.
I think what gael is trying to say (i hope), the mod shouldn't be on japanese version because it allows you to focus on one version which would be more open to people who aren't speedrunners as well if you wanted to make it public. If you do decide to work on it, I would suggest making it so replays are disabled so it would make the run harder and more entertaining.
Thanks for making it btw, I don't want to come across as ungrateful because I couldn't do something like this.
Yea, now that you're saying this, it makes sense. And about disabling replays, I'm not sure if that's even possible, I'll have to check that though.
So, as I have a free evening, I decided to use my limited SCM coding skills to edit the missions a bit, to make them harder. I also fixed some things that made some missions unbeatable, although there still can be unbeatable missions though.
I'll also add this link to the first post.
And about disabling replays, I couldn't find anything on it, sorry.
VC Enthusiasts, good news!
The VC Mod Team has decided to allow users to access a y-sens fix for mouse issues. This can be used legally in speedruns from today onwards, with only one rule.
This script w