Posted 1 year ago by

VC Enthusiasts, good news!

The VC Mod Team has decided to allow users to access a y-sens fix for mouse issues. This can be used legally in speedruns from today onwards, with only one rule.

You must use this repurposed fix made by Mhmd

This script will fix both the y-sens issues, and also stop the game from resetting your mouse sensitivity in-game once the game is closed.

Instructions for use and technical documentation can be found here

The allowed mods/fixes forum thread has been updated to show this change. You can find the thread with all of the allowed fixes for runs here

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Y-Sens Fix is now officially allowed in speedruns

VC Enthusiasts, good news!

The VC Mod Team has decided to allow users to access a y-sens fix for mouse issues. This can be used legally in speedruns from today onwards, with only one rule.

This script w

1 year ago