Good afternoon everyone, here is a brief rundown of the Januaray/Febuaray 2021 WSR update, sponsered by me being in quarintine.
Golf Special Courses Give Up% --> Misc Golf Challenges Golf All Courses Give Up% --> Misc Golf Challenges
Frisbee Golf Special Courses Give Up% --> Misc Frisbee Golf Challenges Frisbee Golf All Courses Give Up% --> Misc Frisbee Golf Challenges
2p, 3p, 4p, All Golf Tour --> Misc Golf Challenges 2p, 3p, 4p, All Golf Tour --> Misc Frisbee Golf Challenges
Ruling Challenge - Golf ILs Top 6 to Top 10
Cycling ILs - Times within 5 seconds on 1 Stage runs require video proof, times within 10 seconds on 3 Stage runs require video proof.
We will have a community vote in the Wii Series Speedrunning discord to decide if Classic 9 hole runs in Golf and Frisbee Golf will now require you to choose 9 hole. Eitherway, all older runs will be grandfathered in.
All stuff will be updated, eventually
In the past, runs below a certain threshold could be submitted without video. Now, this system has been removed. All runs require video proof from now on.