This game is part of a whole series of interactive DVD games. There is a ton of character, and honestly the technology is super impressive given the limitations of the system. Come solve a murder in an interactive crime drama against the mob with me! Took a bit of work to get it set up in Singe 2 emulator, but was well worth the effort! Plenty to improve in the run, but its pretty heavily RNG dependent. The amount of random cutscenes you get heading to the final boss will influence things quite a bit, as well as random encounters going around stuff in town. I also messed up and got shot once, and had to buy bullets once, so that means more time can be saved there too.
Part of the Gotta Run Em All Arcade series - Game #342
Start (Start Pressed) - 03:20 End (Boss Defeat Video Starts) - 10:23 Total - 7:03