wątek: The Site
Greecegamebrain5 years ago

@Liv I understand that, but currently both lbs in question have the default series bg and have clearly not been edited since the srcom makeover. I'd just like an active mod in place that can spruce the boards up and put them on the same standard as the rest. Nobody has shown interest in Xtreme for a while but anyway. Also excluding those game we usually handle DOA as a series since its not big enough of a community. Regardless I'd appreciate a solution sooner than later.

Greecegamebrain5 years ago

I do think this is a good idea but should prob be misc (at least at first) since its a modified version of the game imo.

Greecegamebrain5 years ago

Just for the sake of consistency among this game and DOA5, I'll start heavily enforcing the rule of requiring IGT split times for each fight when using image proof. This is only for consistent leaderboards and sadly DOA6 provides a much worse final card than DOA5 so something like this must be done manually.

That said runs before this forum post are fine since the rule was barely enforced. If you submit a run that took place on 8/1/19 or earlier it should be good without splits since it's impossible to go back and record them if you haven't already.

wątek: Overwatch
Greecegamebrain5 years ago

Please refer to the forum on the category extensions board about new categories.

Greecegamebrain5 years ago

Hello everybody,

Starting today, emulating PSP version of BBS will be allowed on the leaderboards. Emulator will be added in as a separate subcategory to the PSP boards to allow runners to submit their times without influencing the original boards. The emulator that will be accepted for the runs is PPSSPP. Since it has a feature for speedup, there will also be a requirement to have the “show FPS” feature turned on for the duration of the run to ensure validity and fairness. We hope this encourages more people to pick up BBS and old runners to try the PSP version of it. If you have any questions about the process, please let us know.

  • BBS Mod Team
Greecegamebrain5 years ago

Hello everybody,

Starting today, emulating PSP version of BBS will be allowed on the leaderboards. Emulator will be added in as a separate subcategory to the PSP boards to allow runners to submit their times without influencing the original boards. The emulator that will be accepted for the runs is PPSSPP. Since it has a feature for speedup, there will also be a requirement to have the “show FPS” feature turned on for the duration of the run to ensure validity and fairness. We hope this encourages more people to pick up BBS and old runners to try the PSP version of it. If you have any questions about the process, please let us know.

  • BBS Mod Team
Greecegamebrain5 years ago

Hello everybody,

Starting today, emulating PSP version of BBS will be allowed on the leaderboards. Emulator will be added in as a separate subcategory to the PSP boards to allow runners to submit their times without influencing the original boards. The emulator that will be accepted for the runs is PPSSPP. Since it has a feature for speedup, there will also be a requirement to have the “show FPS” feature turned on for the duration of the run to ensure validity and fairness. We hope this encourages more people to pick up BBS and old runners to try the PSP version of it. If you have any questions about the process, please let us know.

  • BBS Mod Team
gameaddict, BlitzPhoenix98, i desa podobało się to
Greecegamebrain5 years ago

Hello everybody, making this forum post for transparency reasons. You may have noted the category split between PS4 and PS4 Pro that just took place and I would like to make it crystal clear as to why this is the case.

One important thing to note, this decision is unrelated to HDD and SSD. Since the hard drive effectively only affects loads, HDD and SDD will continue to remain together.

Now onto the split. As a community there is a consensus that when a run is different in a significant way, it is separated. When this discussion first arose, about 2 years ago, there was little to no knowledge of differences between consoles at the time, and the only real noticeable difference was load times. Hence the decision was made to have PS4 and PS4 Pro under the same category. At the time, this made perfect sense. However, as time passed, and the run became more and more optimized, some key differences began to arise. Many of these can be traced to the game running on 60fps on PS4 Pro, compared to the 30FPS of regular PS4. From shotlocks, to enemy AI, PS4 Pro started becoming a “different” run. Basically, it is currently impossible to recreate strats used in most PS4 Pro fights on a PS4.

With that in mind, a forum post was brought up a few weeks ago, as well as a discussion on the community discord, to give everybody an opportunity to voice their opinions. No major concerns were brought up, and it appeared that most active runners were on board with the idea of a split.

To summarize, I would once again like to emphasize that this split is taking place due to how differently the run plays out due to new information obtained in the 2 years since the original decision to not split the boards. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them below.

Volpey i Timmiluvs podobało się to
Greecegamebrain5 years ago

General thread to discuss leaderboard status.

Currently things that are being looked into:

  • Time attack has more than 5 difficulties but they appear to be unlockable. Currently I can't find any information anywhere as to how they are unlocked, and I myself have only unlocked one additional difficulty randomly while playing versus with friends.

  • Story mode takes place in a very weird manner, with chapters/episodes unlocking in what appear to be an arbitrary order. Suggestions are welcome as to how to define it as a speedrun.

  • Quest mode is long and tedious. I doubt there would be interest in a speedrun of it, but if so, would it be any star or 3 star? this would need to be discussed at some point.

Greecegamebrain5 years ago

When this leaderboard was first created, there was major discussion on 2 topics. First, HDD vs SSD. Second PS4 vs PS4 Pro. Both discussions ended in the same way. The leaderboards did not get separated due to the perfectly logical argument that all that is affected is just load times and that the runs are exactly the same. The conversation died out and the 0.2 board remained as it is seen today. However, since then, there exists a major difference, that should have re-ignited the conversation quite a while ago. PS4 and PS4 Pro are actually no longer the same run. Thus, a new situation exists, where technically someone running on PS4 would never be able to recreate a PS4 pro run. Beyond that, many of the the old arguments still stand. While currently there are are no plans to directly change anything, we thought it would be best to open this topic for discussion and see what the community has to say.

AlexisMousy to się podoba
Greecegamebrain5 years ago

Going to throw out some reasoning as to why BBS shouldn't be condensed imo here (also mentioned on the discord but just to have it in this post as well). Fundamentally, the different versions of BBS are, well, different.

  1. From BBSJ to regular BBS, Critical + level 1 was added as well as some extra features (such as pete d-link and mf).

  2. From BBS to BBS FM, the mirage arena gained new content including some minor adjustments (and before you say this is irrelevant some crit fm runs actually go to MA) but more importantly, FM is the only version of BBS has that a NG+ version, which would be incredibly hard to integrate.

  3. From regular BBS and BBS FM to BBS FM HD, how level 1 works is fundamentally changed. In psp version, zero exp does not make you body enemies in a few hits. Hence why on psp regular crit is faster than level 1. Because on PS4 and PS3 lvl 1 is faster than regular crit, currently the category is named Critical/ lvl 1. Combining the boards would result into a situation where Crit and lvl 1 need to be separate due to the psp games, but for ps3 and ps4, crit runs would just be level 1 runs which would be incredibly confusing.

TL;DR = NG+ from psp fm would be incredibly hard to integrate if combining boards, and splitting crit and lvl 1 wouldn't really work for bbs fm hd

Saiyanz i Timmiluvs podobało się to
wątek: Overwatch
Greecegamebrain6 years ago

Before I begin I just want to say three things. First, I have nothing personal against Natoramius. He seems like a really good guy, and for the most part it was a pleasure having him on the mod team. However, there are certain standards a mod should uphold, and it pains me to say that Natoramius has repeatedly failed to do so. The second thing is, before we begin, how good someone is at speedrunning has nothing to do with how good of a mod they are. Natoramius is one of, if not the best overall Overwatch runner, and I completely respect that. However, that doesn’t guarantee good communication which is a vital component of being a good mod. Thirdly, for anyone curious if this has anything to do with the verbal fiasco that took place in our discord the other day, it doesn’t directly but that didn’t help his case. There are a lot of behind the situation scenes (as I will outline in this post) and that event was a mere display of his poor representation of the team.

Without sugar coding it, Natoramius will no longer be part of the mod team.

In the past, mods have been removed due to inactivity and I have never written a post on them. That is because it’s a more natural situation. In this case however, I feel I must justify this decision with multiple layers of proof, since it is such a drastic action to remove arguably the most active mod. Thus I will present you with the multiple scenarios that led to this removal. Some of them are straight up violation of the rules, lies, or simply acting in an offensive manner.

Situation 1: The lie of changing Overwatch’s theme.

So this scenario is a straight up lie that was not necessary, mainly because, Natoramius did something good, but for whatever reason decided to lie about it causing a problem among the mods. So a few weeks ago, Natoramius asked me if I had added a 4th place icon on the leaderboard, which I had not.

Proof 1: https://i.imgur.com/Inj9Z4J.png

From his wording and reaction it appeared as he had not either. Thus I assumed the other mod, Axends might have added it. However, after contacting Axends, he denied having done it. Since I was self-aware that I had not made such a change, one of the two mods was clearing lying. Thus, I contacted the srcom moderators and asked them to provide me with the log for the change. They did. To my surprise, Natoramius himself had made the edit.

Proof 2: https://i.imgur.com/FXJ3O4j.png

After realizing he had lied, and without revealing that I had the log, I decided to contact him once again, in case I had mistaken what he had said. So I asked him if he had changed it or if he knew someone else who had. His response was once again claiming that he hadn’t, and even played innocent, questioning if the verifiers could have.

Proof 3: https://i.imgur.com/iDjXbU6.png

I then proceeded to confront him, told him he shouldn’t have lied, etc. At the end of the day, there wasn’t a pre-established rule for not making changes without consulting other mods so I couldn’t say anything about that. However, what concerned him is that he LIED. And above that, without any reason. That really stood out as something problematic, and at least for me, basically nullified his credibility. Nevertheless, I went ahead and made a mod chat (yes this is actually why a private mod chat exists) and also created a few basic rules that mods should follow, such as not editing the theme of the game without mentioning it.

Proof 4: https://i.imgur.com/7AgcLlR.png

While the story would end here, I do want to mention one more thing. Natoramius went on to violate this rule by changing the srcom logo of the lbs without telling anyone. He did admit to doing it, but the rule existed by that point so it was a straight up disregard of the rule. Proof 5: https://i.imgur.com/bKxLZhE.png So for this first part, he straight up lied without any reason and then violated a rule.

Situation 2: Self Verification

From the moment our leaderboard obtained its 3rd mod, self-verification for mods was banned. In order to maintain honesty, and provide an honorable example of speedrunning, mods on our leaderboard DON’T verify their own runs (keep this in mind as it will show up again towards the end). I could post a large number of situations where Natoramius verified his own runs, but for the purposes of keeping this post to the point I think two are enough.

Proof 6: https://i.imgur.com/NzTiGs8.png

Proof 7: https://i.imgur.com/CQBEQTd.png

Even if it was JUST these 2 situations, which it wasn’t, that is still TWO violations of the same rule. At this point I would like to once again state that as a mod you are supposed to set an example, and not only did Natoramius not do that, but he straight up went against the rules. You can’t ask others to follow rules you don’t follow yourself. Not much more to say here. Once again, this by itself is reason for someone to lose the position of mod. Yet, it doesn’t end here.

Situation 3: Verifying Invalid Runs

Once again this doesn’t need much of a description. The main job of any mod/verifier it to check to make sure runs are legit and valid. As a side-note, nobody is 100% perfect and a few times some situation has made it past all of us. This is NOT what this is about. In the case of Natoramius, it is clear that he DID NOT EVEN REVIEW certain runs, accepting them blindly.

Proof 8: https://i.imgur.com/aIiR5Sl.png

As you can see, this is a 22 minute run, yet it was verified 3 minutes after it was submitted. That means that Natoramius didn’t watch the entire vod. When confronted, this was his response:

Proof 9: https://i.imgur.com/2CVInGX.png

Laziness is not a valid excuse. There is no reason to verify a run the moment you see it if you can’t. If you don’t have time another verifier/mod will. However that is not an isolated case.

Proof 10: https://i.imgur.com/tHHmE0g.png

And beyond that, there are multiple scenarios where Natoramius has actually verified runs where the real time submitted is longer than the actual video (as you can see below).

Proof 11: https://i.imgur.com/JOWeDaw.png

Proof 12: https://i.imgur.com/kbnzmNg.png

Once again, straight up, it’s not about watching a run and maybe missing a small splice; it’s about not bothering to review the runs, and basically not doing your job as a mod.

Final Situation: The Last Straw

So at this point, there are a large amount of reasons Natoramius straight up deserves to lose his role as a mod. I actually had started writing a post similar to this, 2 weeks ago, but I scrapped it. When Natoramius joined the team originally, he seemed enthusiastic, committed, willing to help, and kind-hearted. All of those traits are incredibly important to being a successful mod, and he had never given me a reason to doubt any of them before. Even with the multiple rule violations, I felt bad punishing a person who appeared to be trying. In this whole situation, this is where my failure comes in. I held Natoramius higher than I should have. Because, as it was proved down the line, he didn’t change. As you saw above, the same “mistakes” happened again and again, and his errors were only matched by his recent poor attitude.

While I said this was not the main reason for his ban (it wasn’t, everything above was) when I saw the events occur over the past few days, I realized that Natoramius really wasn’t a good representation for the community. While he personally claims he did not insult anyone, and that he only made two harmless “jokes” I will accept that and not even bring those two jokes up. Let’s look at everything else he said one thing at a time.

Proof 13: https://i.imgur.com/I1MyXC9.png

Once again, if this was an isolated situation, it would mean nothing. But it is not Natoramius’s role to define the worth of someone else. His role is to be a good mod and set a positive example, which he clearly didn’t do.

Proof 14: https://i.imgur.com/XgDu9Q8.png

“I’m having a good time,” by completely disregarding everyone else. Once again, repeated behavior of disrespect, just because of his mod status he clearly acts like there are no consequences.

Proof 15: https://i.imgur.com/9o9hQ3R.png

Speaks for himself. Unacceptable for a mod to respond like that after the entire situation.

Proof 16: https://i.imgur.com/mDFeaPb.png

Proof 17: https://i.imgur.com/sRqMDSP.png

Proof 18: https://i.imgur.com/gO0VeMr.png

Is offensive towards someone’s intelligence, denies it, then proceeds to make up an excuse, which is also offensive by questioning my intelligence (by the way I’m not English either…). These images combined speak for themselves.


As a mod, you are the community’s best. You are selected to not only verify runs, but also entrusted with complete control over the leaderboard. Being a mod is a privilege. And sadly, Natoramius has failed in every way to make good use of it. Natoramius has not only lied, but has also violated the rules multiple times, and has misrepresented the community more than once. His poor attitude reflects badly upon the entire team, and he has made zero effort to have proper communication with any member of the mod team other than his own friend. And above all that, after all the times I have talked to him and warned him, he has the audacity to threaten me by saying he will verify his own run if I don’t verify it (thus braking the rules once again).

Proof 19: https://i.imgur.com/jS4fkXI.png

(For the record, the run hasn’t been verified for 3 days, 2 of those which were discussion on the rules of that specific category and srcom doesn’t consider something backlog for at least a week). With that, I have nothing else left to say. I am incredibly sorry that it had to happen like this, but if you abuse something, it can be taken away from you. Being a mod does NOT put you above others in terms of what is tolerated. So, my sincerest apologies, but I am taking the action that I believe is best for the boards.

As for this thread, I know there will probably be a lot of backlash/arguing. I will leave it open for discussion as long as the discussion remains civilized. Also I’ll do my best to respond to any questions.

m, BattleMaster i 6 inne podobało się to
wątek: Overwatch
Greecegamebrain6 years ago

I never thought I'd have to make a post about this as it's pretty self evident: all runs, including the submitted video, should be in real time in order to be verified.

wątek: Overwatch
Greecegamebrain6 years ago

will discuss on discord

wątek: Overwatch
Greecegamebrain6 years ago

There was never an option to completely remove it.

GoodleShoes to się podoba
wątek: The Site
Greecegamebrain6 years ago

@Liv regarding the DOA series mod request made by Maiguels, literally going to re-request that both he and I get added as series mods. No person except xShiko has more than 2 different games ran. Except the thing is both of his 2 runs are not competitive in any way, not to mention 5 month inactivity. I know mods aren't always decided by how good of a runner they are, but if you touch 2 games once, you should not be more qualified to be a series mod than someone like myself who has been running a single game, consistently, for two years.

While it isn't necessary to replace series mods to add new games, what is necessary is to have at least 1 active series mod. We had various discussions as a community recently, and we all agree that there needs to be some type of overall series moderation. Games such as DOA1 are only moderated by xShiko and nobody else.

Furthermore, most leaderboards are outdated, and without proper access it is impossible to fix them. Personally, I came in contact with both Maiguels and TheMidBoss (DOA3 supermod). I think when the majority of active mods in a series agree that there should be new series mods since the old one is inactive for basically half a year, that counts, as you phrased it, as "the community itself," especially in such a small community.

Regarding the position being misused in the past, I believe the fact that there is general agreement covers that. If you take a look at the DOA5 lb, I have maintained it for more than 2 years, and it is in a great condition.

So once again, I kindly ask you to reconsider the information and grant both Maiguels and I series mod position.

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
wątek: Overwatch
Greecegamebrain6 years ago

I don't understand what you mean by doesn't have a time. ILs go by IGT. As for the no video, it had one at time of verification which is what matters. Also next time, please make a forum post instead of posting in a thread made for specific discussion. @Tron_Javolta

Greecegamebrain6 years ago

We now have a community discord. You can use the link below or the one in the sidebar to join.


wątek: Overwatch
Greecegamebrain6 years ago

Hello everybody, I know it’s been a while since any major official statement from the mod team so I wanted to write up this post as a small update as well as a means of addressing a few issues.

First of all, most discussion now takes place on our speedrun discord instead of these forums. You can find the link in the left sidebar. I would heavily recommend joining it to be constantly up to date, as only major/important discussions get posted in the forums.

Over the past few months, the team was expanded by bringing in multiple people as run verifiers to avoid a backlog of unverified runs. While this has been a great success, we are still looking for anyone else who would be interested in joining. If you feel that you can adequately fill the spot, please send me a direct message in discord.

Another important topic that needs discussing is 50 eliminations. Recently we added a 2.0 version of some categories since a series of patches caused both tutorial and 50 eliminations to undergo major changes. Unlike the Tutorial speedrun, however, the popularity of 50 eliminations has been in heavy decline. As a mod team we discussed two possible solutions and would like to hear your feedback. In the first scenario, 50 eliminations stays as is, and is moved to the category extension board (more about that board below) allowing room to open up for new categories. In the second, 50 elims 2.0 is reworked and removes allowing settings to change. However when the category was first created the majority had asked to allow changing settings, so this second option would need large backing before passing. Regardless, something will be done. If you want to share your thoughts, or maybe have another proposal, feel free to do so.

Finally, the category extension board. Historically, when a new category has been requested I have always asked for a run of it before adding it in. The one time I did not was Lucio Rollouts due to the overwhelming support the category received, and look where it ended up. Moving on with the CE board, Hammond% will be added but Lucio Rollouts will be reconsidered if no run is submitted soon. Furthermore, we are looking into a way to incorporate legacy runs into the extension board as a means to clean up the main board (more information will come once the 50 elims discussion has finished).

Anyway, that pretty much sums up everything. If you have any questions feel free to ask, and we would appreciate your thoughts on the 50 elims topic.

O gamebrain
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