this error popped up after reinstalling with different video memory thingy. Ideas?
HeyGuys, back from the grave i wanted to run some BIO1 PC runs this weekend but ofcourse technology had to fail on me. I downloaded and installed the files from Steven's video and applied it the same like he did in the video. I reinstalled 3 times already and on different locations. BIO1 just simply doens't run. Not even the NON-patched version. ( the one thats on the ISO )
Anyone figured out whats wrong? I don't really get an error just the simple "Biohazard.exe stopped working"
IOS windows 8
halp :(
Hmh i tried messing around with nvidia settings but didn't help anything at all. I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX980. Just gonna keep this thread open if other people would actually encounter this but for now its whatever. Lets hope for someone finding something in the future :)
@AiKaiman - Sure but i kinda wanna stay on windows 10 on my main desktop and also don't feel like going onto my crappy laptop which probably can't stream so :.
small update: i run at stable 27-29 fps ingame throughout the whole game. but inventory spikes up to 39 fps first .2s then goes instantly to 9 fps for some seconds and then goes back to 39 for a small amount and back to 9 fps. If i could make the game run nonstop at 29 fps (even in inventory) that would help somehow a bit i guess.
- tried fullscreening - didn't help anything (made it only more laggier)
- tried demounting the game - didn't help much either
I guess trying to reinstall the game might help?
I read someone windows updated. But no clue where to find these. If someone finds something somewhere halp <3
Running on 1.1 patch (SRT and AutoSplitter both work perfectly fine) I only ran untill RPD and it worked perfectly. But as soon as i open up my inventory i get massive lag (inputs getting ignored delayed by 1.5s ~).
I tried already 1.0 & 1.1 both same issues. I am on windows 10. I have tried changing compatibility mode. I ran as administrator before.
Anyone who has ideas or had this before?
Looks fun for casual runners, but how will we be able to know if people used it or not? In the end its not really cheating but still.. this should work for 24 hours. Sorry yeah i suck at discord. But yeah every information we got is good man just hop in and we can chat etc.!
As of today "we" also have a Discord channel now! A nice place to see if this community is still alive ( Kappa ) and to share new strats, etc.
as a further note: I have been thinking about making a Segmented run that overclasses the current Segmented SDA run.
If you're interested in helping out just join the Discord channel where we can share strats, save files, etc.
Yeah, i have been noticing some lack of grenades :)
Thanks for the input! :)
LOL @Auddy07 - I don't use as much grenades as you guys do + i get hit way more often than you guys do.
I asked for tips... Also you say "Incorrect." without even stating why?
Alright, it doesn't really matter what items you use. Its pure preference. I also use the PRL more often so i use less nades. Thanks!
As title implies;
Currently this is my NG+ setup (im not sure if it's legit):
If anyone has some tips i'd love to hear them!
Yeah i'd like to pick up this game and see what it gives, gonna re-install it on my SSD and let you know Thanks for your replies btw, been looking into some guides aswell from you and they explain it nice and easy ^^ Thanks :D
I'll try making my game window smaller, i installed the game on my HDD and not on my SDD. Should i reinstall in on my SSD?
Just played a bit on stream (forgot to upscale quality but you can see clearly enough gameplay is extremly slow)
at 1minute 1 second you can see how slow i reload/shoot and how slow the zombies react after this part however the game is normal again but sometimes it just slows down..
It feels like the game is a little choppy, i turned of motion blur wich helped a ton but it still doenst feel 100%
PC specs: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Intel i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz - 4 VRAM 16GB Ram
RE4 settings: 1600x900 (windowed) Fixed 60 FPS x4 AA Motion Blur OFF Shadow Quality Low Texture Quality Original
I'm 100% sure my PC can run this game on high quality so i'm not sure whats going on.
Its good right now tbh. And noone actually will invest time in checking how much slower/faster Emulator is compared against a DS/3DS so the boards should be fine as they are right now.
It also clearly states who runs on official hardware ( Kappa ) and who runs on emulator. So i'm fine with how they are right now =)
If it all becomes to much to moderate, just add me to the moderators and i'll fix all of the things.
- add the Hard any% & Hard Good ending categories.
TO PLAY HARD MODE PINK HOUR: Look at resources and download it at Patches. I uploaded it after googling around to find Pink Hour versions.