As of today "we" also have a Discord channel now! A nice place to see if this community is still alive ( Kappa ) and to share new strats, etc.
as a further note: I have been thinking about making a Segmented run that overclasses the current Segmented SDA run.
If you're interested in helping out just join the Discord channel where we can share strats, save files, etc.
Strange... I can't join your discord channel. Could you provide another link?
Anyway, I'm totally game for this, as I've wanted to beat for years this record on SDA. Could provide you a lot of informations how to manage weapon accuracy and stuffs: I've played a lot on MP at the time.
Also, making a XXX-run could be nice too, but once we'll do the any% run first. this should work for 24 hours. Sorry yeah i suck at discord. But yeah every information we got is good man just hop in and we can chat etc.!