Weryfikacja odrzucona
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Powód: file was reloaded despite it was played normally, needs to be a full run with no reloading files
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Any% (No Major Glitches) in 1h 11m 09s by
Wideo dla tego biegu jest zagrożone usunięciem przez Twitch
So yeah, game froze in Warp 2 because the copy I have has scratches and I reloaded a finished any% file but still was able to get almost all ctr tokens as recompense, winning all races including boss fights. I understand if this run gets rejected despite this poor time, it makes sense if that happens. Have since gotten disc cleaned, will test out for future runs and will go for sub 1:10 soon-ish! No fails in the bosses this time, so that's already a huge improvement in my eyes.
Thrilled to be a part of the big Rixer race! Here's a link to the final times for future reference: https://therun.gg/races/ricky-weekly-3
Tablica wyników
Any% (No Major Glitches)
1h 11m 09s
Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez Splits.io
# | Nazwa | Podział | Zakończono o |
1 | -Crash Cove | 2m 15s 237ms | 2m 15s 237ms |
2 | -Roo's Tubes Złoto | 2m 17s 649ms | 4m 32s 886ms |
3 | -Mystery Caves | 3m 09s 187ms | 7m 42s 073ms |
4 | -Sewer Speedway | 3m 03s 240ms | 10m 45s 313ms |
5 | {N. Sanity Beach} Ripper Roo | 1m 59s 707ms | 12m 45s 020ms |
6 | -Tiger Temple Złoto | 3m 18s 972ms | 16m 03s 992ms |
7 | -Coco Park Złoto | 2m 13s 142ms | 18m 17s 134ms |
8 | -Papu's Pyramid | 2m 52s 856ms | 21m 09s 990ms |
9 | -Dingo Canyon | 5m 03s 026ms | 26m 13s 016ms |
10 | {The Lost Ruins} Papu Papu Złoto | 2m 47s 483ms | 29m 00s 499ms |
11 | -Blizzard Bluff Złoto | 2m 39s 970ms | 31m 40s 469ms |
12 | -Dragon Mines Złoto | 2m 33s 958ms | 34m 14s 427ms |
13 | -Polar Pass | 3m 48s 682ms | 38m 03s 109ms |
14 | -Tiny Arena | 4m 29s 852ms | 42m 32s 961ms |
15 | {Glacier Park} Komodo Joe Złoto | 2m 39s 553ms | 45m 12s 514ms |
16 | -N. Gin Labs | 3m 47s 534ms | 49m 00s 048ms |
17 | -Cortex Castle | 3m 52s 986ms | 52m 53s 034ms |
18 | -Hot Air Skyway | 4m 34s 687ms | 57m 27s 721ms |
19 | -Oxide Station | 4m 12s 203ms | 1h 01m 39s 924ms |
20 | -Pinstripe Złoto | 4m 16s 532ms | 1h 05m 56s 456ms |
21 | {Citadel City} N. Oxide | 5m 12s 872ms | 1h 11m 09s 328ms |
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