Rules Updated
Rules Updated
Posted 2 years ago by

After reviewing bye's most recent WR in the category, I noticed he did not delete his save before starting a new run. I did some investigation into the game and whether this would be a valid run, and I realize that the rules for PT can be updated to make attempts better.

As long as when you load into the game we see the double cockroach and Lisa peeking through the door, we know that it is a run starting from Loop 1. If the protagonist stands up quickly and the door is already closed, we know it is NOT starting from a new game.

When this rule was instituted, I was very fresh to moderating (this was the first game I ever moderated for). I didn't realize that that CastieLeo's run could be easily detected as not New Game by the above. You can read through the thread for reference.

A couple years ago I mentioned this, but didn't edit the rules to reflect it:

Thus, this rule will be modified to the following:

"Your recording should start from the options screen, OR starting the game from the PS4 Dashboard/the triple circle loading logo if you did not delete your save AND have not advanced in the game to update the save past Loop 1.

A New Game run shows the double cockroach and Lisa peeking through the door. If the protagonist stands up quickly and the door is shut, the run is not New Game."

Based off of this, the rule about recording will move to Game Rules (as it applies to all categories), Any% New Game will remove "New Game" (as no category for the CastieLeo run exists, all categories are New Game).

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Rules Updated

After reviewing bye's most recent WR in the category, I noticed he did not delete his save before starting a new run. I did some investigation into the game and whether this would be a valid run, and I realize that the rules for PT can be updated to make attempts better.

As long as when you loa

2 years ago
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