Timing Clarification and Rule Updates
4 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Hi all,

Thanks for continuing to keep this game alive and improving the records! I wanted to provide some clarification and rule updates for the future.

I've had a couple runners question when exactly the timer stops for Flashlight%, as the original sentence wasn't clear. To clarify, Flashlight timing does not end when pickup animation starts, but when the flashlight is off the ground. Take a look at AgentofChaos's PB, where the brightness makes it very clear.

When I started modding this game, I interpreted "ends when you pick up the flashlight" as literally the moment it is lifted off the ground.

My suggestion is, if you plan on doing Flashlight runs, please play on max brightness to make it obvious, and DON'T SPLIT EARLY!

In addition, I am implementing a rule not to obscure the bottom right corner of the game capture. This is so the triple circle load watermark is not obscured when loading into the game.

Minecraft likes this

Heya Ply! How have you been?

Well I was away from the forum and PT since I moved to Japan. But now.. I'm bringing my new toys with me.

Srlsy. I'm working on some new ways to glitch more easily the door, at the beginning of the game that are going to be a game change to all runners! Still working on it now. Just downloaded the game once again.

And beside that... What's up with this new rule that you NEED to erase your save file every time you restart your game? 😥 I mean. Isn't enough the starting scene of Lisa opening the door and the cockroachs at the floor? It only happens at the beginning of the game... And to keep erasing the save file makes you lose sooooo much time. Specially when you need to retry A LOT when trying not the glitch. 😵

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Good to see you Leo!

The requirement of deleting a save is only relevant if you already completed a cycle or have completed a run. As you may recall, we had a discussion a few years ago about the effects of "NG+." The conclusion we arrived at was to require a new game save to avoid the issue. That discussion can be found at the following thread: https://www.speedrun.com/p.t./thread/2dfbd

OmniferousSwan likes this

Great to see you again Ply!

Ohhh yeah I remember now... Sorry I had forgot about the crazy NG+ effect...

Soooo, about my discovery to make the door glitch simpler... I'm trying, (whenever I can, Wich is not as much I wanted...😅) To find the right spot of where the door glitchs, to avoid the need to keep tilting the L3 like a crazy, to make the glitch happens...

So far I did managed to make the door glitch just by a exact spot next to the door, and gently pushing a little forward on the L3. But that only skips ONE cycle. Don't matter what I do, I can't skip more than one loop.so you definitely NEED to make the Door disappears to be able to make a multi loop skip. 🧐😵 Anyway, will try to keep improving this thing... Maybe with luck I can find something interesting... 😅

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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After reviewing bye's most recent WR in the category, I noticed he did not delete his save before starting a new run. I did some investigation into the game and whether this would be a valid run, and I realize that the rules for PT can be updated to make attempts better.

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