Any % Multiplayer Rule Change
2 days ago
Minnesota, USA

I feel like you shouldn’t be allowed to occupy more than one space on the leaderboard just because you ran with someone else, I noticed that one person has 4 spots in the top 16, that’s one person with a quarter of the records in the top 16, I know it’s not that important of a category but it’s my favorite and it just seems unfair.


I think adding such a rule would not allow some runners to be on the leaderboard (if they run with someone already on the leaderboard, for example). Still a valid take imo.

Basque Country

yea the thing is, not allowing that player to have another run would invalidate his companior from having that position on LB even if it is in his case his only run

multiplayer categories value by the the total of the duo, is hard to change how that works

Ontario, Canada

Yeah that's the idea. My perspective might be different from most considering I've submitted multiplayer runs with different people and I can tell you that the goal isn't to get "as many good runs as possible" and more about just having fun with different people. I wouldn't be too affected if my other runs were obsoleted, but the people I ran with would probably care.

The other thing would be that runs with different amounts of people probably shouldn't be overwritten (for example, Volza and I did a 2p run as well as a 3p run with Caleb, but that's the only multiplayer run Caleb has done and the runs are pretty different from each other).

I totally understand why you might be frustrated but I don't think there's really a great solution other than trying to compete based on the final time, rather than position on the leaderboard.

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