Chicago, IL, USAPlywood1 month ago

And that's a shame! Hopefully it can be fixed.


Chicago, IL, USAPlywood7 months ago

Here's a nice little optimization for the noisy floors after you get captured. Messed around with this noise mechanic in the middle of my current replay. I think the game is simply tracking whether you are holding the walk button in the zone of the noisy floor, rather than Kaim's speed. This ought to save a few seconds over walking, but I didn't time it.

Played on Xbox Series X, NTSC-U

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood11 months ago

Please update with a permanent invite, thanks!

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood11 months ago

As evidenced by the WayBack Machine, various forums have lost their archived threads. Either there is some site issue or the forums are being deleted. Neither of these are good. MGS1, Twin Snakes, VR1 and MGS2PC as comparison points below.











If all forum threads are being deleted, this should not happen. No one should have to rely on the Wayback machine to reference what was discussed previously on a MG forum for over 5+ years. To me, threads should only be deleted if they are spam accounts or clearly offtopic. This is particularly true now that communication about what should or should not happen to a particular speedgame's rules occur primarily on SRDC.

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood2 years ago

Hi all,

So I recently noticed that the rules for runs are different between PS2 and PSP. PS2 requires the runner to start from selecting New Game and PSP allows you to select from Stage 1. This skips the tutorial song.

I would like to create parity between the versions and allow the PS2 version to start from selecting Stage 1. It would cut out ~15 seconds from the run that I don't think anyone really cares about.


kurorinz en GarbitheGlitcheress vindt dit leuk
Chicago, IL, USAPlywood4 years ago

Hi all,

Thanks for continuing to keep this game alive and improving the records! I wanted to provide some clarification and rule updates for the future.

I've had a couple runners question when exactly the timer stops for Flashlight%, as the original sentence wasn't clear. To clarify, Flashlight timing does not end when pickup animation starts, but when the flashlight is off the ground. Take a look at AgentofChaos's PB, where the brightness makes it very clear.

When I started modding this game, I interpreted "ends when you pick up the flashlight" as literally the moment it is lifted off the ground.

My suggestion is, if you plan on doing Flashlight runs, please play on max brightness to make it obvious, and DON'T SPLIT EARLY!

In addition, I am implementing a rule not to obscure the bottom right corner of the game capture. This is so the triple circle load watermark is not obscured when loading into the game.

Minecraft vinden dit leuk
Chicago, IL, USAPlywood4 years ago

The IGT in this game purely tracks the time spent in each Mission - no menus or loads. It removes any issues of comparing runners of differing load speeds (install vs. disc), instead compares purely on gameplay. It also accounts for lag!

There are issues with the IGT. If you check the IGT from the Mission Log, it only tracks to the minute without seconds available. Also, you would need to check before and after for NG+, and a run of All Missions wouldn't be able to check IGT this way at all.

Therefore, to provide runners the option of a more accurate IGT, I've posted a spreadsheet on the Resources to track the time. It works by finding the difference between the Op. time remaining at the Combat Results Screen and the total available time per mission. If you die during a mission, record the difference between the last visible time before ejection and mission time. Subtract that value from mission's Op. time remaining.

For example:

Mission 01 is 15 minutes long Dies 2 minutes in (13:00) Completes next attempt at 11:33 11:33-2:00=9:33 14:60 - 9:33 = 5:27 IGT

The only Mission that poses an issue is the Tutorial Mission (or Mission 00) for NG. Since there is no Combat Results Screen, the easiest way to track the time on this Mission is to check the remaining time when MISSION COMPLETE appears on screen. This isn't entirely accurate, as the timer keeps ticking while the screen fades to white. Doing it this way avoids any questions about the hard to read time as it fades to white.

IGT remains optional/secondary. This is because menus should still matter.

The following is how long each Mission takes. Remember, if you are playing 2082, the A Path (16/17) or B Path (18/19) matters.

Mission 00: 40 Mission 01: 15 Mission 02: 20 Mission 03: 15 Mission 04: 20 Mission 05: 20 Mission 06: 30 (20 initial, 10 added at door) Mission 07: 40 Mission 08: 15 Mission 09: 20 Mission 10: 50 (40 initial, 10 added after Bldg destruction) Mission 11: 15 Mission 12: 20 Mission 13: 30 Mission 14: 30 Mission 15: 20 Mission 16: 30 (20 initial, 10 added after calling Blackwidow) Mission 17: 40 Mission 18: 25 (20 initial, 5 added after ambush) Mission 19: 40 Mission 20: 20 Mission 21: 40 Mission 22: 40 Mission 23: 50 (40 initial, 10 added after D3Eye is destroyed)

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood4 years ago

If you want to chat about PT, here's a good place for it: https://discord.gg/TkMQj8G

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood5 years ago

For people coming to this board, I think it would be wise to clarify the timing method for the categories. This would make it easier to know without looking at a run, and is common practice on leaderboards. My understanding is SDA style timing (first input to final input, Jungle to Explosion Flash). The exact countdown to first input (-13.16?) should also be included.

I'd also appreciate a link to the wiki page https://www.metalgearspeedrunners.com/wiki/doku.php?id=metal_gear_nes included on the sidebar, via the website/wiki option.

Thanks dunnius!

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood6 years ago

A thread to discuss possible improvements to knife only.

Air Screamer:

The hardest fight in knife only by far is the Cafe encounter. The safest and most 'reliable' method is to back up along the bar, back and forth. Slash when the Screamer goes to attack you.

Split Head:

This is not as difficult as the Air Screamer, but very scary. Phase 1: Back up while stabbing the Lizard. Phase 2: You need to stab his mouth around 20 times. Look below for methods of escaping his attack. Be careful on your exit, as the edge of his mouth can clip the edge of Harry and still kill!

Nurses: Just walk back and forth as you stab, it is very simple.


Two methods I have come up with

Method 1: Do slashes and time a stab as Floatstinger goes to attack.

Method 2: Move along a certain portion of the upper building to force Floatstinger to get close enough to stab. His spit attack seems to do less damage the stinger, so this also saves your HP. Even though it's finicky, this may be the better method.

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood6 years ago

I felt there was a need for discussion and further improvement of this new discovery outside of the SH discord. If you are unaware, here's a video discussing it generally. I think with more eyes/attention, we can make this whole thing more reliable.

Some things I've learned about OoB with the help of Aaron and others:

  • It's best to run out of the door and to the right a little bit, quickturn, then run back. Due to how Romper AI works, this kites him somewhat consistently.

  • The visual cue of where to stand is the white edge of the staircase.

  • Walk forward as the romper leaps at you.

  • A partial glitch can occur. Without the sound of the romper biting, you will not be able to phase through the door (EDIT: This is usually true).

Now for the routing concerns, I'm only going over Bad+. I'm not sure how this will affect routing for other categories.

The main concern for the route is Incubator, due to not having a rifle. Your run can potentially die at the final boss due to her random HP value, how much ammo you have, etc. I can think of a handful of potential solutions for this.

  • Run into the barrier 3 times, potentially reducing her HP a bit more

  • Only use 1 shell on the Nurse in Nowhere, opting to finish her off with a kick

  • Use the handgun to break the lock to the sewers

  • Pick up an extra box of shotgun shells, either in the school basement or in the Nowhere Antique Shop

I think more technical information should be gathered on Incubator (i-frames? barrier damage? distance affecting spread? etc.).

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood6 years ago

Big Boss has yet to be routed with modern strategies, so here's where we will do it!


Here are the requirements, continues do not matter for Ghost Babel Big Boss.

MarlonH8 vinden dit leuk
Chicago, IL, USAPlywood6 years ago

I don't know if any of the other runners have experienced this. On the penultimate screen of the game, the game can softlock. I think this is due to letting the last skater that goes right stay on screen. Game seems to get confused and think you are in beat-em-up mode.

I mentioned this as well in my notes: https://pastebin.com/E77pVuf8

Chicago, IL, USAPlywood6 years ago

The intent of Any% is to go as fast as possible, so why separate a faster strategy? If someone came forward with an Any% run w/ cool mode time warp skips (e.g. posesix's youtube run, which is faster than any run on the board), would that turn into its own category as well?

The first sentence of the category is "Do whatever you can to beat the game." I don't (with all due respect) believe that is being followed.

Thanks! :)

crumbskull vinden dit leuk
Chicago, IL, USAPlywood6 years ago

This is an update that the Leaderboard set up has changed.

I have removed Single Segment and Multi Segment, given that no one has submitted MS. Doing so allowed me to change the difficulties from variables into categories. Normal is a main category due to it being the only submitted difficulty, and Very Hard for Big Boss runs. Easy and Hard have been moved to miscellaneous. In my opinion, that has made the leaderboard cleaner to look at and not as empty in appearance. If people ask down the line, MS could be added back, but this is better for now.

In addition, most of the Special Missions have been added to the Level Leaderboard.

If you have any questions or comments, let us know!

miniomegaking vinden dit leuk
Chicago, IL, USAPlywood6 years ago

This is a breakdown of the Special Missions and their objectives. I've debated personally what Missions should be included in the Level Leaderboard or not, as not all of these Missions have significant objectives. If you have anything to add regarding this, feel free to post below!

Time Attack Missions: Ghost Babel was doing speedruns before it was cool, but these are exactly the same as doing the Regular Stage. None of these are included on the leaderboard.

Stage 1 Mission 1 Stage 4 Mission 1 Stage 6 Mission 1 Stage 7 Mission 1 Stage 8 Mission 1 Stage 10 Mission 1 Stage 12 Mission 1

Distance Based Missions: A variant on the Time Attack, each step Snake takes is about a meter. Stage 3 Mission 1, Stage 5 Mission 1, and Stage 11 Mission 1 require you to finish the missions within 2500 M. Stage 12 Mission 2 requires a completion within 600 M. Currently the only Distance Mission I have included on the boards is Stage 12, as it adds challenge to the MG GANDER fight. Stage 5 and 11 may be worthwhile additions, but definitely not Stage 3. Even a rusty run of Stage 3 gave me ~1400 M.

No Alerts: As the title implies, you cannot be discovered!

Stage 2 Mission 1 Stage 4 Mission 2 Stage 6 Mission 2 Stage 9 Mission 1 Stage 11 Mission 2

No Damage: As the title implies, you cannot take damage!

Stage 3 Mission 3 Stage 5 Mission 2 Stage 7 Mission 2 Stage 13 Mission 1

Stages 7 and 13 are pointless, given that both are faster if you don’t take damage. Stages 3 and 5 make more sense as a challenge run.

Boss Challenges: Defeat a boss with x weapon. The Mission jumps straight to the boss fight, which is nice.

Stage 8 Mission 3 – Bison with Mines Stage 11 Mission 3 – Viper with Grenades Stage 12 Mission 3 – GANDER with C4 (just the legs) Stage 13 Mission 3 – Viper with Grenades

Bomb: If you stand still for more than a second, a bomb will explode and kill Snake. Mostly irrelevant for Any%, but interesting for Excellent rank.

Stage 4 Mission 3 Stage 10 Mission 2 Stage 13 Mission 2

Collect the FOX-HOUND Emblems: The obligatory collect-a-thon, there are 4 hidden emblems to find. The fourth patch will finish the mission.

Stage 1 Mission 2 Stage 3 Mission 2 Stage 8 Mission 2

…Everything else: Most of these oddball missions are included on the leaderboard. I’ll give a description of each mission.

Stage 1 Mission 3 – Start at the end of the stage and return to the beginning (go back to the HALO jump)

Stage 2 Mission 2 – Guards are constantly on Alert

Stage 2 Mission 3 – Meet Mei Ling, which you do by calling her frequency at various points across the map, then head to the exit

Stage 5 Mission 3 – You must travel through all of the box sorters. :(

Stage 6 Mission 3 – Destroy all the ghosts who are spooking the Stage. You can destroy them with a single punch. Don’t wear IR goggles to see them.

Stage 7 Mission 3 – You must survive the artillery strike for 60 seconds, which cannot be a speedrun. Thus none of Stage 7’s special missions appear on the board.

Stage 9 Mission 2 – Destroy the power plant by planting C4 in the following locations: B1: B-2, C-3, 1F: B-3, and 2F: C-4. There are cracks in the airducts marking these locations (apparently). These instructions are provided by Campbell.

Stage 9 Mission 3 – Put on your thermal goggles to find four spots (ducts) coming out of the walls, set the C4 at those points. These instructions are provided by Campbell.

Stage 10 Mission 3 – Climb up the hill with the broken artillery guns, and avoid barrels a la Donkey Kong. Fair warning, the barrels do great damage. Some barrels bounce and some roll down the hill.

Credit to Paul Keating’s Special Stage guide on GameFAQs for a lot of useful information https://www.gamefaqs.com/gbc/914401-metal-gear-solid/faqs/8361

miniomegaking en MarlonH8 vindt dit leuk
Chicago, IL, USAPlywood6 years ago

We now have a separate board for VR! You can check that out here:


miniomegaking en MarlonH8 vindt dit leuk
Over Plywood
Lid geworden
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