United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago


MPDE/Starmonkay ThunderPlayz WATCHLIST:

jovanmunja ThermalGodlike crafterlegend1 ThunderPlayz Flare/Ryzal WarloxGames JesseMCSM Pyxelated CaptainPhoenix/GappledUHC RazorBlade8888

Everyone in the old banlist is now only watchlisted.

We have clear evidence that a certain person on this list, however, has been cheating. We will give them 10 days to admit, due to the nature of this being a new system. If not, then we will penalize him in accordance with the rules

Tac and I are releasing some guidelines for players and future mods to (hopefully) follow.

Hope this makes things easier.

Why we made this: The bans, so far, have been indefinite and basically infinitely long. This is mostly because of issues like repeated cheating, or just plainly forgetting about the ban.

The system will go as follows.

There will be different penalties for each offense. There will also be a watchlist system, which will prioritized people who are marked down as potential or former cheaters.

Being watchlisted will give you different penalties than if you weren't.

These are the normal penalties

Slowed Timer = 2 months. 6 months max. Sped Up Run = 9 months. 2 years max. Speed Hacks = 12 months. 2 years max.

Each VIDEO that cheats in a certain method will be counted as a separate offense, which is why maximum lengths were imposed.

Due to the new system implemented, the old banlist will be cleared and taken out of the equation.

Watchlist offenses: Certain people will be put on a public watchlist. If the moderation team finds evidence of person cheating before they admit in clear written/video form that they were cheating, the moderation team will ban them for the maximum length of the offense penalized for. If they admit before the moderation team finds clear proof, however, they will only be banned for 4 months, regardless of offense.

and yes, this means everyone in the old banlist, including Razorblade8888, is now unbanned.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: Watchlisting is PERMANENT. The only way to get off the watchlist is to become part of the banlist instead, which is not really preferred. And by the time you DO get out of the banlist, all people who have ever been banned will be watchlisted, which means that you will still be part of the watchlist when unbanned.

Paris_Labrador, Maax en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago


It would be a bit arbitrary do make something up like that. Besides, if a run fits the rules, it fits the rules and should be accepted.

Paris_Labrador vinden dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

start at start of the first run, end at end of last run.

United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

Have fun kiddos

ask any questions to clarify here and ill try to remember to answer them.

and yes, all runs are exploit by default

tac23tac23 vinden dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

1: Skylands, Through Hell, Pirate Bay 2: + ITJ and FR 3: + TT and LC 4: + SS and FG 5: All maps (All maps up to this point including the 7 new maps).

Full game runs are separated into categories based off maps that were known to exist in these groups for a long amount of time.

Each mention of maps adds to the last, which means: 2: + ITJ and FR would be added to #1, which is Skylands, Pirate Bay, and Through Hell.


3: + TT and LC would be added to #1 and #2, up until we reach all maps.

New maps added will turn into a separate section on the leaderboard, which would futureproof runs already on the leaderboard. While this is the case, an All Maps run would be turned obsolete by any updates.

Paris_Labrador, tac23tac23 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

we can move to a new timing system, but that opens up a door for new cheaters. it wouldn't really be mandatory to use IGT in that case, then.

but idk if that's a possibility. just a suggestion

Maax en tac23tac23 vindt dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

So this is settled now?

Reminder for all future people, any cheat accusations should be sent to the moderators in private so that they themselves can investigate it. In fact, feel free to do your own investigations, as long as you're helping.

Thread locked.

Maximus en tac23tac23 vindt dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

You subtly attacked his moderation for Hypixel, which is a low blow. Anyway, I meant what I said and said what I meant, what about it was cringy anyway? lol

This forum post has mostly turned into minor shitposting and pointless comments, so it may or may not be locked soon.

United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago
  1. I'm not taking sides. Cheat accusations are a serious thing, and it's incredibly annoying when people say someone is cheating or someone says they are cheating, even in jest, as a mod. P.S. Even if I WAS taking sides, certain people tend to spew hate towards Sparrow, so he's a little bit more of a priority when it comes to protection than you. You're a mod on a speedrun site as well, and I expect you to be mature when it comes to things like this.

  2. (Not to ButWhy anymore) There have been a lot more than 57 people in the community, but admittedly there also have been more than 4 cheaters ever. It's a DE problem. Mostly because it's so easy to do so.

Paris_Labrador vinden dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

You know, there's a thing called, "private messaging the mods about accusations".

Be smart next time. I'll let this slide so that people can see this as an example. I'll be looking to that proof, which you'd better upload soon due to this announcement.

United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

3rd leap

tac what do you know about us having faster leaps :v

United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

tac, bad leap ping is way easier to get runs with in most maps, with the exception of Through Hell. (Im talking about the original 5, because i hate every map newer than ITJ and FR).

United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

Pyxelated has admitted to cheating and has been added to the banlist.

Paris_Labrador, CaptainPhoenix18 en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

Alright, I couldn't find any concrete information on this, considering how rarely stuff like this happens. I will be making a new rule for current and future moderators to follow as a guide on accepting WRs that are very close to each other in frames. Any run 1-2 frames off current WR, or any run where the closeness of the times cannot be told from each other (aka, it's too confusing to find out which run is faster due to reasons of sprint fov changes and movement timing), will be considered tied with the current world record.

KenitoD, Paris_Labrador en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

I don't think someone understands the concept of "Any% vs Glitchless". After all, that was the point of warper NE. If anything, it was the most practical out of all the subcategories we've added so far. Just saying.

tac23tac23 vinden dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

I might make a category labeled "MISC", which will be with all the other categories. All approved category ideas that are as random as "one leap world records" will be placed in said hypothetical category as subcategories.

tac23tac23 vinden dit leuk
United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

Here's some forum posts in the DE site about some accusations that StarMonkay (aka MPDE) might be cheating. Even in his DE days, he was considered a potential cheater by some.

United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

Wtf, he screwed up the slab boost in speed uhc, did no strats, and still subbed 13. That alone is sketch af.

United StatesCraftainJ6 years ago

Well, benefit of the doubt. Let's see if he can sub 19.2 with the modpack.

Over CraftainJ
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