Definitely recommend the speedrunning build of the game. It adds milliseconds to the timer for timing precision, and also has a practice mode where you can save and load state to practice areas.
A PB's a PB no matter how small, its wondrous it fundrous its thundrous for all! So throw up your hands and say "im the best" post on the forums, and beat on your chest. You're faster than ever, sit back and have fun, scream loudly and proudly "THAT WAS MY BEST RUN"
We actually do have an autosplitter. Dex and I are brainstorming how we're (read: he's OpieOP) gonna fix this, just too lazy to actually do stuff.
If you hold up and down at the same time, it eliminates the risk of jumping because it will put you directly into the boss room.
We have been discussing whether to switch to IGT lately (aka just started talking about it tonight) and are having a vote on it. If you want more info go ask about it in discord or read what we said in #general.
You can also discuss here I guess.
Splicing is definitely something I worried about when creating this build, which is why the timer isn't saved. But since the source is included, it would only require changing 2 lines of code to make an easy splice build. As such, I think all runs that are 3rd or better should include audio, and all previous runs will be grandfather'd in. This seems fair since a WR run should have audio by default.
Tonight I'll be working on setting up multiple save points that can be loaded back to even after closing and reopening the game. I think teleporting between rooms will be pretty useless after 9 save slots are added, so I think the speedrun build will be complete after that.
I've updated the build in the resource tab with one more feature. You can now save your position and load back to it later to practice pesky areas. Q to save, E to load. It doesn't currently keep track of cats collected when you save, but I'm working on it for next release.
Here's a build with a reset button: R to reset. Otherwise it has all the features included in the release cros posted.
Let me know if you find any bugs and I'll see what I can do. It also has the source for GM8.1 if you feel like looking through it.
I managed to get it to work with no errors on game launch. For some reason the developer didn't include important dll's and the music folder in with the source code. All you have to do to make it work is copy these highlighted files from the regular game folder: into the folder you have the source in:
Seems to be mostly GML. If you're inexperienced with GML, this source actually seems like a good one to start on.
If you wanna work on it, go for it. From what I've seen in like 12 seconds of looking at the code, there's a global variable that holds the time, conveniently called 'global.time'. The object that writes to global.time, oTimer, also keeps track of frames so it wouldn't be too hard to add those into the timer. If you need help with implementing any features, add me on discord and I'll see what I can do.
Sorry I'm so late to this, I legit never check this forums since wasn't giving me notifications for it for some reason lol Going through the roof in factory like that does count as OOB, since you're not in the intended play area during that time. That's my opinion on it but would welcome yours of whether it should be considered OOB or not. In regards to deaths, none of the categories require deathless. That's definitely something only SDA does.
I have no clue tbh. Might have better luck asking in our discord since more people will see it and be able to help.
Try turning frame skip on/off. Whichever it's not set to currently. The game always runs like shit on the level Risk of Rain, but otherwise it should be running at 60fps on other maps, if it's not after you try frame skip, I'll see if I can help more when I get off work.
It's also going to have new content so it won't be the same as the base game. If anyone wanted to speedrun it, it would need a new page, similar to how Super Mario 64 has a bunch of different pages for ROM hacks ( ).
we are starting soon, if you wanna join and havent yet, do so NOW!!!
Hey guys, me and sakurion are doing an All Characters race this Saturday sometime around 2PM EST (6PM GMT). Everyone is free to join, just reply here, message me on Twitch, or say something in my super cool Discord channel for "RoR Speedruns" (aka I just use it for my stream) , so I know if we need to wait for anyone We'll be racing on SRL so make sure you have an account.
After a bit of thought, I've decided to split Any% for now (or atleast until it's patched).
There is now OOB and no-OOB categories. I'll explain why since I'm sure some people will think it's a stupid change: When it comes to no-OOB, you're playing the game as intended, without a "glitch" that was overlooked. Being able to go fast in the caves isn't easy, it's easy to take stupid hits and lose a lot of HP in one silly room. No-OOB isn't the fastest, but it does show how good one is at the game. OOB is leaving the caves, going over the map, fighting the three bosses, and then ending the game. You don't have to worry too much about caves RNG, other than getting a treasure room on the side of a boss room. In a perfect run, there would be only three rooms where you actually have to fight anything, those being the three bosses. This is the fastest category seeing as you skip a majority of the game.