AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

No, I don't expect it to be more successful. Not even close. That is also why it's all under the disclaimer of "depending on interest" and the length of marathon non-specific at this stage.

But the point stands that it's not going to be organised if there isn't enough interest to warrant it, but if there is, it's getting done properly. This does not mean renting the convention center, but it does mean that we make sure it's of quality.

There is also support from external parties, which will be announced shortly.

AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

Segments need to be made into a seperate game category. Contact the mods of the run you are running and ask them to set up a catergory for a segmented run, so you can submit it.

If you edit together a run, it's not single-segment (running straight through) and failure to make that clear may make some people call you a cheater in that regards - if they like getting their pitchfork early that is.

Project64 is only for versions 1.6 and 1.7 - anything higher is banned from competition cause it doesn't emulate accurately.

In my opinion, LiveSplit is easily the best splitter.

AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

turb0 and Washeyy, can you please private message Skype info (either DM via. Twitter or Twitch) so I can involve you please?

Announcement of marathon will be happening before the weekend is out.

Location is looking like Melbourne for this first one.

topic: The Site
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

@IanAC given you full control for the game, and I made some minor changes to it. One of the first things I would like you do though, is provide box art for the game, please.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

Depends on the budgets and setup that you want. Like the posts above, there are different ways to do everything.

You could start with some thing as simple as a Dazzle, Avermedia, Elgato and work your way up, through Blackmagic, Hauppauge, Roxio or the sort.

I'm not going to add too much more, because the other posts should sort you into the right direction, but I will say be wary of HDMI adaptors, some of them can be a bit dodgy - where possible you want to avoid splitters and adaptors. Every extra little part of the chain that isn't needed can just add more confusion and delay to the final product, if not lower quality due to breakup of the signal.

topic: The Site
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

@MashMelo - added you as a mod. Reason: somewhat mod inactivity, only one run/runner.

@Neptix - assuming English is not your native language, if people have not submitted a game to be made for the site, then it's not made. If there is no request for it, it's likely no-one has run the game yet. Perhaps you would like to run the game yourself if you think it's perfect for speedruns?

@1bear99 - exactly what Trollbear said. This thread is a last resort for request and CoD games have plenty of activity on them.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

Because maybe no-one has decided they like the game enough yet to run it. The game is only very recently out.

Plenty of people could be up for the task, but more importantly, if you think the game is good to be run, why don't you run it yourself?

AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

Hi Stix!

Glad your interest is around, and welcome!

Many people don't go for a records- they go because they love speedrunning and love the games they run. So long as you do that, you'll have a wonderful time. If you have a wonderful time running your game, your times will improve and one day you may get that WR time.

If you don't - WHO CARES, you are doing something you enjoy! 95% of the people are here for fun - not records, not money, just fun.

If you have a webcam, you could point that at the TV and just stream through that if you really wanted. Sure, it's by no means great, but it's something. As for a capture card, have a look at AverMedia, Elgato or BlackMagic capture cards. There are plenty of other options beyond these, but these are some of the bigger guys for a reasonable budget range.

MASH vinden dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

Hi Chippi! Welcome!

Glad you're intested. Hope you enjoy your new time consuming hobby!

Doom - yeah, way too many people to list for this one.

Crash 2 - yeah, way too many people to list on this one as well.

For Wolfenstein, be sure to check out who has done both TNO and TOB. and have also done runs of Metal Gear 3 in the past - they recently submitted MGS3 co-op for ESA15.

Definitely hope to see you around!

AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

You would have to make it clear that it is a segmented video.

Single-segment is the whole way through, not stopping from start to finish. You are allowed to save during that time, but usually saving is adding time to the counter while it goes through the process.

If you are saving, and then completing a section to it's best time, and then stitching all those multiple runs together to make it looks like it's a complete run, then that is a segmented run, and must be made clear.

What game are you running?

EDIT: Saw the post just below about South Park 64. If you want to do races, or widely have it accepted without issue you can only use some older versions of the Project 64 emulator.

I don't know if the rules have changed (, but you should only be running Project 64 1.6/1.7 not version 2+, since it doesn't emulate accurately.

topic: The Site
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

@Skooky - thanks for understanding. If you can do it for the time being, just to remove any suspicion of doubt it makes it easier. And that sounds like something my friends would do as well!

@Soulcloset - I'm that one mod! I'll add you as well right now. While I haven't done any runs of the demo (I don't see the point) I will definitely be doing runs when it actually comes out. That being said, it's good to have a second person around.

@TheFox7771 - the mods have all been active this week, so just be a little patient with them and give it more time. If the same situation happens when your run hasn't been verified for a month, then it's cause for concern, but less than a week isn't enough time to call them inactive.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
topic: The Site
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

@eSeamus - fixed it for both you and the previous mod. Should be all good now.

@Yoppah - the mod of the game was only on less than an hour ago. Have you tried contacting them? I don't see a run of yours pending review.

@agjents - added you as a mod. Reason: mod inactivity.

@Nighthawk205 - added you as a mod. Reason: mod inactivity.

@Melestara - I see one mod active today, one mod active a week ago, and one mod active a month ago. I don't see any runs for you pending or terribly inactive mods, so no dice, sorry.

@Skooky - Please, for the time being, all future submissions from you must have the original video of your run attached to it, regardless of game.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

How interested would people be?

Early days planning would mean it would be held in either Sept/Oct 2016 or more likely, 2017. Held in either Sydney or Melbourne. This is for multiple reasons.

This wouldn't be a low key event done in someone's basement, but a proper rig by people from the broadcasting industry covering multiple days - depending on interest - either from three days to a week worth of coverage.

After gauging a response from people at ESA, there seemed to be a very strong interest from people considering there were some conditions met;

  • that the event was organised with enough time to allow people to save up to travel.
  • that the event was properly orchestrated, and not a minor setup.
  • that the event was not held in the Australian Summer, and even then, the building has reasonable temperature control.

Unlike the only other Australian marathon this year which was only Australian runners, held in Adelaide, this will be an event to hopefully attract people to come visit Australia.

So, if enough people are interested, I am willing to properly organise an Australian speedrunning marathon in the spirit of ESA and with a setup, environment and atmosphere that is worth traveling for.

Who's in?

ariapath, Scaff en 4 anderen vindt dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

Unsy, it means no third party mods. Vanilla game only. DLCs and everything of course allowed, but no modified weapons, HUDs, lasers, outfits...anything. Stock game.

topic: The Site
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

I know it's well late to mention it, and it's already been switched over, but the Batman mods are more happier for the LEGO Batman games to be moved into the series, makes more logical sense for them to be there.

topic: The Site
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

@Scott315; Jumpyluff is a very active member both here and on his Twitch page, have you tried contacting him yet?

He was only on five hours ago. See if you can get in touch with him with either via. his Twitch, Twitter or SRL IRC channels.

If he fails to respond or act after that, please post back here, but as it stands he is active.

@jonese1234: It says he was active six hours ago, I am assuming for the race you mentioned? All the same, I don't see huge amount of activity from his side, so I'll grant it.

YUMmy_Bacon5 vinden dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

First of all, to the organisers and locals that made it happen.

Crippe, Niss3, Edenal, Grukk, Oasiz, Bang, Flicky, Joka - and all of the other little local helpers. Thank you. You made the event, you busted your asses to make it work, and I think the overall response and feedback has been extremely postive. The main channel went from ~9k followers to ~44k followers, so that shows that there was a big pickup over the week, with over 24k raised. Fantastic result considering how non-heavy the donation drive gets pushed. I know it was very rough for many of you this year, and I cannot express my gratitude for all of it, and knowing you all. Thank you very much, to you all for your hard work.

Tompa & Alko - working hosting and donation the whole event, fielding questions and making sure everyone was welcome. You troopers are the exact people that are wonderful to have around, no matter the weather outside, or the vibe inside. Not to mention those massages, Tompa!

Maxie, Planks, Cerberus, Baffan, Zoton, Gray, Zastbat, Tyr - anyone that helped out with tech! It was really nice to have you guys around me and supporting and it was really nice that everyone always worked as a team, and there was never any dragging of feet or complaining. You're all wonderful people. Thank you.

#GTA crew - even though some of you were missing, you all know who you are. It was great to be welcomed back so openly (despite never properly running a GTA game) by you all, and getting to spend more time with you guys. It was a lot of fun.

The Kids - Drast, Chris, Noizeeh, ThiefBug, Stelzig, Airmo, Ricky, Fuzzy, Flippy, Ursi, Fluff, Pottow - trying to remember who I have forgotton - you're all so much fun all the time. Stupidly awesome and a great buzz. The type of people I see sitting in a hallway at 4am in the morning when I walk into the hotel, smashed off your heads type deal. Legends.

Now this is the part where I name half the attendees because you all were great people to me. But to keep it short, so long as you talked to me, I would list your name here. From Heinki & Pen, Jinny, Exe, Maja, DarkDevastation, MLSTRM, Therio, Naegleria, Frozer, Maral, Duckfist, Meridian, CursedDolls, Kotti, Noobest, DhrGR, Elhu, Nikneim, DXTR, Mobiusman - look you know you if fit in to this extremely large bracket - you're all amazing people, and thank you for anyone that spent time with me, making it enjoyable. It was a blast spending time with you all. You're all mates to me.

Robo, Pac, Nord, Steve, Grig, Glitches & Stuff, Rueake - special shout outs to you guys for even going a little further than many others did. Thank you.

All the attendees - this is what made the event great. Thank you all for being there. From the people I have met before and spent time with, to the newer comers that I didn't get much beyond two sentances to talk to you. Next time. Because we both need to get back! I really enjoyed spending time with you.

To the mods in chat, including CBenni and SirStendec, thank you all for your hard work on the front lines. You all did a fantastic job, worked together as a team and were excellent in calling out issues from the final production. Special shoutouts to my daughter, Melis. Very sad she couldn't get a Visa, but next time!

To the non-cleaners, food wasters, and people that disappear when there was work to do: go ¤¤¤¤ yourselves and don't come back.

Also, don't lynch me, I'm the cop.

Niss3, maral en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

I don't know how to quote in this but whatever:

During a few longer runs, I thought back at the time when I was just watching at home with no clue who anyone was and experimented with adding name tags to the people on the couch. While a few mistakes was done, I do think it was appreciated by the viewers.

If I end up doing the layouts for next year, this will be an thing that I will implement. I thought it was fantastic, and I definitely know chat appreciated it.

CBenni and Sirstendec & Mods

As far as people go, you all did amazing. Thank you all for being excellent support and so helpful and timely. I threw the idea of Slack ages ago, and am glad it was received well. Mod support and communication was much better this time around.

  • Hosting

I hate the self promotion - but if chat are asking, it becomes annoying to not tell them sometimes. Randomly typing it in, like some people were, isn't smart though.

  • Kitchen

I really, really, REALLY want a kitchen back next year please.

  • Space, Practice and Tech

I personally thought that the two streams angled in the same room worked very well. If you focused on one, you could easily forget about the other, and they were good size from stuff. Yes, there were empty chairs at times, but that is a marathon. Not every game is going to have 30 people watching it.

I would have liked a direct mirror of stream and stream, with yellow host on top of the stage. That did boil down to limitations of tech and unforseen circumstances.

In regards to all the practice space, I thought the main room was done very well, especially if more people start turning up next year. The fighting room with the small kitchen was okay as a chill out zone and if we could have used the kitchen there a bit more and it was left in a better, tidier state. It was a good break area.

The Mafia room...well...was just wasted, in my opinion. It could have been used for a lot more, or not rented at all and not much would have been lost. The small kitchen break area next to that (Freja?) was again, a nice area for people playing card games, and having food - again, we were limited by what we could do in the kitchen though.

Overall I feel we could have just rented the Vahall and the Fighting/Practice room and that would have been enough.

  • Tech

New system was much improved. Simple as that. Downside it neither stream ran at 100% at any point due to the setup issues on arrival.

  • People

Very late to arrive, very early to leave. Much worse than last year in my opinion with people coming early to set up, or stay later to pack up. Felt off. Overall people were just as nicer, if not nicer than last year. Here is hoping same for next time. Just need to clean up a bit more and actively think about the place. I will give shoutouts later, but so many good people there.

  • Local deals

It was great to have San Marino, Marlons and the Kebabhouse making us welcome and for organisers to arrange deals with them. Likewise with the hotel. Really helped. Maybe next year, Orient Palace/Sushi Yama as well?

And while there was bowling this year - which was amazingly organised by CursedDolls, we filled the place out, with buffet! - and I know some people went for mini-golf, it would be great to try to get even more side activities to happen as well!

  • Hosting & Cameras

I really like a lot of Necktie's suggestions regarding hosting, but the main thing is have some music playing in the background. Nothing worse than dead air when not much was happening.

Similarly, t would be nice to use a wide angle camera from a high/up centeral position overlooking the whole room, where if the host didn't have much to say do, you could cut to that position, with a tag 'setting up next game' and all that, but just with music and a room camera. Save the host talking for 10 minutes, prevent stupid sentences, but still gives people a look at the event with some audio.

Regarding the comment from Greywords of a "camera man" - FUCK, NO. It's not something that is reasonable, and at that point you need to reconsider all of the camera equipment and how it would be handled. Even at dead times in the night, you need a separate person to man for a very quiet room. Not worth it. Like mentioned, by that point you would need to by a whole heap of equipment and then make sure the person running the camera knows what they are doing, focus, back focus, DoF, aperture, gain, lighting, framing...just, no. It also gets back to the 'professionalism' of the whole event.

That's all I can think of for now, I may post more later on as it hits me.

Zephyyrr, Trollbear666 en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

I'll make another post later on, but for now:

¤ People were fucking messy. Again. I spent one evening cleaning, managed to fill multiple large bin bags will bottles and rubbish. We literally at one point had about 200 mugs that needed to be cleaned, and while I didn't catch the name of the three people that helped out cleaning (leaving their mafia game to do so) few people helped. Thank you to those that did.

¤ Similarly, I am well versed in dealing with teen drama and drunk kids. But I didn't travel all the way around the world to spend my evenings clearing out drunks, people too lazy to go back to hotel/mass housing or dealing with emotional troubles. I don't know how many people I woke up this past week but it was a lot. Many people were repeat offenders. Drunk people coming back to the venue was because last time mass housing was here, and the streaming building was the furthest away. Now that the venue was closer, people thought they could crash here. It was clearly explained at the start of the marathon that people were not welcome here if they were drunk, and were not permitted to sleep in the venue. I'm only enforcing the rules set out by the organizers, but some people are just not getting it. I feel that people should be literally signing in when they arrive at ONE check-in station and one/two people are responsible for everyone being with their wristband, photo of person, taking last minute payment and getting them to actually SIGN in. That way you can verify they know the rules, in case they missed the original speech, and you can track people easier.

Niss3, Alko en 6 anderen vindt dit leuk
AustraliaAMVX9 years ago

Paid 340 SEK. Let me know if any issues.

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1 year ago
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