Slow/Fast Walk on Chapter 4: Quite a Show
8 months ago
Montana, USA

Sometimes I have the Shift to fast walk option in the desert section, sometimes I do not. Reloading saves does not give fast walk, so I'm unsure how to guarantee it. It's a huge run killer about 20 minutes in based on nothing that I can find.

Is there a secret to always having the "sprint" in this section?

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 months ago
Radgryd vinden dit leuk

Hello! thanks for running this game.

Maybe I'm wrong because I played it many years ago... but I seem to remember that the sprint was lost when loading saves.

The only way I had to ensure the sprint is to start a new game and do the complete run.

I hope it helps you. If you have any other questions, let me know.

Montana, USA

Ok, that makes sense. However, I don't always have sprint, even without loading a save.

I appreciate the reply though. I'll keep plugging away and see if I can find anything reliable.

Cuervo82 vinden dit leuk
Montana, USA

AskForAlex figured it out. Always start with 'New Game.' If you reload at all, including chapter select, you don't end up with sprint in the desert.

AskForAlex en Cuervo82 vindt dit leuk
New Zealand

Interesting, never even knew this was a bug as a I always started from fresh. Good luck on your runs

Bewerkt door de auteur 8 months ago

@mjkor Might be good to alter the rules to have everybody start with New Game? It's an easy fix to prevent a lot of frustration.

Radgryd en Cuervo82 vindt dit leuk
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