Is there a reason the load remover/auto splitter made by @KinkajouLegend isn't used? Did he not share it anywhere?
(Mentioned in his run description)
Honestly I didn't know this existed, RTA will stay for now as I would have to retime every run manually and thats alot of work :(
it was just a fun project I did, I can share it you want it but since RTA is used I figured it would just stay a random file on my pc
I think it would be nice if it was used for the future, since loading times vary on different hardware and the runs are already quite close in time.
The load remover/autosplitter is officially in the tools section of the resources tab!
It's still a work in progress, but it works all the way up until the end split so as long as you make sure to split manually when the credits roll, it works perfectly :)
Is it normal that the autosplitter stop after the door choice (sry for my poor english) instead of when the credit screen appear ? I just got a 51:11 with autosplitter but idk if it's a world record :(
You should add one more split for ending sequence, then you will finish that last split yourself when you see photo. Basically your run is about 53:30
Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. We've seen your feedback and made the following adjustments:
Runs will now use IGT as the primary timing method. All previous runs have been triple retimed by and myself. Of course manual timi