BelgiumSephJul1 year ago

Was doing the game for the first time yesterday and found this shortcut into the Lost Ruins level. After checking some runs here, seems it can be very useful !?

BelgiumSephJul2 years ago

A new glitch for the best community ever <3 Cause MG isn't hard enough Kappa.

WitchRain, giaNco 그리고 10 기타 이것을 좋아함
BelgiumSephJul5 years ago

Hello there,

I have a small request for IL leaderboard, is it possible to add the official number of level on each IL level ? Could help a lot to reach wanted level easily when we are streaming

Also noticed a very small thing, there's a mistake in title "the underground menAce"

Thanks you ;)

BelgiumSephJul6 years ago

Hello RE community

I would like to talk about rules & moderation with you I m an old RE runner and always fight for fair and legit way to speedrun together.

  • 120 FPS : Should be atleast 60 / Variable option cause it's ingame option + should be separate categories. If the community real want 120 (i m not), should be separate too

  • Resolution/Graphics : Changing it DURING the run should be not even a question. The run should be as clean as possible and options should be chosen BEFORE the run to not affect the game/display/etc. This rule should not even exist if 120 FPS rule were not there.

  • OOB : Should be named Major Glitch / No Major glitch and should also be a subcategory to have true any%. I don't like how OOB broke the game but we just cannot hide the fastest way to do the game

It s a mess ... i m sorry but it's true ! That's an EXEMPLE how it should be https://www.speedrun.com/Umbrella_Corps/full_game#PC_NG

A part of current moderators are doing rules without ask to the real community + Some are really cocky during stream (vocal) or private chat. Yes i m clearly asking to clean moderators of this game and come back to basic StevenMayte/Darazanjoll/Soulless/Zecc to change everything.

I m sorry, i don't like drama but A LOT OF PEOPLE agree with what i m saying and ask to change everyday. So i ask to all RE runner to read this and change stuff RIGHT NOW ;)

HouselessGamer, NuZ 그리고 10 기타 이것을 좋아함
BelgiumSephJul6 years ago

Hello everyone,

I would like to talk about 3 points with all speedrun community and especially with RE one

Doing a new PB/WR is very cool for all of us and of course we wanna see our run in the leaderboard asap.

The game is very new and pretty hype so there's a lot of requests at the same time. Moderators are doing their best to check every run in their free time.

So please stay RESPECTFUL and PATIENT. doing a new thread some hours after submitting is useless

The game is very new and rules are changing every day. Find a FAIR leaderboard structure is something hard so please once again do your suggestion RESPECTFULLY and stop doing selfish proposals.

About PC version, using tools and stuff is for avoid cheating and help moderators to check runs. If you don't agree with it, nobody forbid you to speedrun the game on your side. To have a leaderboard, we need rules that's all.

Last but certainly the most important, moderators are not your friends, family, pets or anything. They are NOT PAID to do this. So talk to them with respect as you do in real life. Sometimes they can make mistakes, just alert them without drama and everything will be fine.

Love from SephJul

( Please Lock and sticky this thread and delete answers )

Gamescan, YossyHop 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
BelgiumSephJul6 years ago

Here is news about Nightmare Creatures Series Please create a new thread or discuss on discord for idea/complain

  • Full-game leaderboard rules redefined : Rewrite all rules with better words choice Change Playstation Emulator from Psxjin 2.0.2 to Bizhawk Add Bizhawk to authorized Nintendo 64 emulator
  • Full-game & IL leaderboard rules redefined for PlayStation : Rewrite all rules with better words choice Added Platforms & Versions specification Banned Turbo/Macro Inputs MUST now be displayed for emulator Passwords & saves rules added RTA for Full-game must be discussed

Please check :

https://www.speedrun.com/nmc#Playstation https://www.speedrun.com/nmciil/Chelsea#PS_Easy https://www.speedrun.com/nmcnil/Chelsea#PS_Easy

BelgiumSephJul6 years ago

Hello there,

As many changes are made on leaderboard for the moment, i come here cause if have an idea.

What do you think about delete Doors Skip category. It's not a troll, i mean it's a simple suggestion and u can think i m wrong :)

Doors Skip seems not as much active than when it was implemented and i always thought that it was a game modification not from capcom.

Thanks for reading and share thoughts

BelgiumSephJul7 years ago

Hey guys, here's the final explanation about the acid grenade and zombies that don't want to die Kappa

Hope you will enjoy it and correct me if i m wrong somewhere =D


Voxgizer, clix_gaming, 그리고 WitchRain 이것을 좋아함
BelgiumSephJul7 years ago

Well it seems i have a pretty consistent setup for the fucking King Zombie

WitchRain 그리고 clix_gaming 이것을 좋아함
BelgiumSephJul7 years ago

Hello guys, i wanna share a very old strat i was doing 4 or 3 years ago about Misty dodge before the valve grab.

I m not a RE2 pro at all so i will let you judge if it's usefull or not but it seems pretty fast. Sharing is always the key to victory <3

LoanSharkJoe, Darazanjoll, 그리고 clix_gaming 이것을 좋아함
BelgiumSephJul7 years ago

Hey guys,

As you certainly know, i had to leave speedrun stuff because of important health issue since november. Now here is some news.

I feel better ! My treatment is not over but i m OK now. So i should come back at home in 2 or 3 months if everything is fine.

When i m out of hospital ( gf home ), I play to Elder Scroll Online and Puyo Puyo Tetris ;p

Finally .... I miss you xd. I really want to stream asap and talk with u.

PS : My body glitched but i m fixing it Kappa

TaP, flogoo 그리고 8 기타 이것을 좋아함
BelgiumSephJul8 years ago

Why is there an Disc / PSN subcatory on Playstation leaderboard ? Vote or anything ? If not, i will delete it. Everything must be voted, thanks

( ps : I don t like it, everyone know that version is bullshit, it should stay merged ! )

BelgiumSephJul8 years ago

Hi RE1 community

1 or 2 weeks ago, i found something about pause cancel (Checked on PC, maybe work on other version )

When you pause cancel WITH the config menu ( F5 on PC ) the timer is frozen during all the menu display. As inventory froze only during fading black, this method can make win lot of time.

But after some discussion with Clix, idk if this is very fair way to win time ;) So what do you think about that ?

At my POV ... This time i don't know ^^" I m not very proud to have find that lol. I don t want to vote anything before talk about that :)

BelgiumSephJul8 years ago

Hello RE community,

Leaderboard changed a lot recently, we did our best to respect all RE runners ideas. But, some people, asked about glitched/glitchless rules stuff here and there. We have discuss that between mods and we want to suggest a new way to think :

Replace Glitched / Glitchless by Major Glitches / No Major Glitches

Indeed, in the past we were forced to ban some runs for stupid reasons. It was unfair and it was not fun for us to do it. So here is a list of what we classed as Major glitches or Minor. We wrote a lot of stuff to be clear, some of them are obvious :

- Barry Glitch (Jill)
	  Making freeze Barry in dining room
- Chemical skip (Jill)
	  Skip the chemical by Jill hitboxes glitch
- Serum Skip (Jill)
	  Menu when Richard cutscene is triggered and move during it 
- Plant42 Glitch (Jill)
	  Kill Plant42 twice to skip the Barry rescue cutscene
- Rope Skip (Jill)
	  Take the ladder at the same time than rope cutscene to skip it 
- Radio Skip (Chris)
	  Menu when radio cutscene is triggered and move during it 
- Quickshot
	  Using R1 to shot faster 
- Statue Camera Glitch 
	  Glitch the camera with menuing during the blue gems statue is falling (useless)
- Umbrella Logo Skip 
	  Skip the computer umbrella logo, not even a glitch
- Tyrant Stuck 
	  Use the key hitbox to stuck the tyrant during the first fight 
- StepLadder Hitbox for 1st crank 
	  Little hitbox "glitch" when you want to grab the first crank

So give us your POV about that first list. Then there's 2 stuff that we need to vote as minor/major glitches. Here is our first POV :

- Pause cancel
	Open inventory during a shot / knife hit / reloading. We are not talking 
	about using menuing to do major glitches listed above but only the fact 
	to skip small animation. As it was the main reason why we banned runs 
	(even if runners done this accidentaly) and as it's only used 
	for small times save. We suggest add it to the Minor list.

- Rebecca Skip (Chris)
	"You do not need to save rebecca from the hunter by the serum room
	 All that is required to save rebecca is to enter the serum corridor 
	 from the first floor and leave, this saves time on killing the hunter 
	 and the cut scene which follows"
	 Here all people are not agree. Myself i think it s more a skip than a 
	 glitch and should not be on major/minor list. But some think it's a Major 
	 glitch as it save a lot of time. 	

There it is, i will personnaly ask something, respect others and do only one post if possible to vote or POV explanations.

Love u all

BelgiumSephJul9 years ago

Hey guys, i m happy to see that you are working on the site :) There s cool new stuffs and thanks for that.

I just want to show you a little issue that we have since today with Resident Evil 1 leaderboard http://www.speedrun.com/re1

It s a big leaderboard and new design did a "cut" in it. Thanks for reading and good work.

BelgiumSephJul9 years ago

EDIT : I mean delete an entire thread with all posts inside too in one click.

Actually we must delete all posts inside a thread to delete it. When a thread have 1000 posts it s boooooooring.

BelgiumSephJul9 years ago

This is the first OOB i found on this game. Unfortunately, in this case, the next area doesn't load but maybe it could be useful somewhere else in the future.

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