[DEBATE] Pause Cancel with config menu
8 years ago

Hi RE1 community

1 or 2 weeks ago, i found something about pause cancel (Checked on PC, maybe work on other version )

When you pause cancel WITH the config menu ( F5 on PC ) the timer is frozen during all the menu display. As inventory froze only during fading black, this method can make win lot of time.

But after some discussion with Clix, idk if this is very fair way to win time ;) So what do you think about that ?

At my POV ... This time i don't know ^^" I m not very proud to have find that lol. I don t want to vote anything before talk about that :)

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

There's no reason at all to bring up that menu during a run so idk why is this even a thing tbh

United Kingdom

I think it shouldn't be allowed. What would stop people from idling in the menu?

Same deal as alt tabbing out during cutscenes rapidly to save frames. It's a silly way to save time in my opinion. It reminds me of the rapid menuing in RE2's HUNK to pause the IGT.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

"There's no reason at all to bring up that menu during a run so idk why is this even a thing tbh" -Actually, yes, if you do the barry glitch too early you can go to this config menu to be sure that the glitch will work.

When Sephjul discover this, i tried it, and yes this method can make win time really easily. But i don't really know what to think about this, all I can say is : shame on you Sephjul !

United Kingdom

I believe Zenix meant there's no reason anyone would go into the config menu to customize their controls mid-run.

Essentially though, this would then mean Pause Cancel would be objectively the fastest approach in almost all situations. If the timer pauses entirely as soon as F5 is pressed, even Pause Cancelling when firing weapons just generally would be faster using this method than waiting for Jill to recover so she can move again.

Fire Grenade Launcher > Press F5 immediately as you press R1 > can move before the Grenade even hits, no time lost due to the timer pausing unlike when using the regular menu.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago
California, USA

I'm against it. I think it's a cheap way to save time and it would completely replace the inv menu for all pause cancels unless you have to do something in inventory. When I think about speedrunning, I think about fast play, not lame ass technicalities to abuse an in-game timer. It's a shame we have to time it with shitty IGT but that's the way it is for these games and the community. Lets not dig so deep as to find ways to abuse it to death before someone spends 6 hours frame advancing with config menu to get a 20 minute IGT. I mean, could you imagine that shit? lol.

RawDerps, xxshadowxbossxx, 그리고 SephJul 이것을 좋아함
California, USA

As far as Barry skip goes, if you miss it, you miss it. Just be glad it's the first thing you do in that category. If banned, I believe it should be banned altogether.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Yeah, I agree with clix_gaming, it's a cheap way to save time and it doesn't make you go faster, it just stops the timer, so it's basically just giving the illusion you've beaten the game faster. As for idling in the F5 menu, I think there's no problem with it, people do it in RE4 by pressing the select button if I'm not mistaken, I think it's a good way to pause a run since when you start playing you can't stop untill you get to a long cutscene, but using it to actually save time is broken and I can see people abusing it in the future

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

I also think it should be ban but only for pause cancel ( skip attack animation ).

Using it for Barry Glitch don't make win time at all and we still don t know if another glitch cannot be find with that config menu ( and i love glitches Kappa )

Plus, it should be test on playstation version, idk if the final timer is impacted. If it is, there's no reason to ban it from PS version.

It is not a voting stuff, just my POV for the moment. Happy to share it with u :)

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

all im saying is this would be so unoptimal think about it your actually wasting time by adding an extra menu yeah it may pause the timer but your still wasting time by adding an unnecessary menu and this is ridiculous i am against this the game itself is pretty much optimised so lets not fuck around with this again leave it as it is. I understand its a new possible glitch but why add it when its pointless ?

California, USA

We can do 1 of 2 things here. We can vote to have it legal for Major Glitches runs or only allow it for Barry skip. I prefer to have things more uniformed such as global ban or global allowance. I'm always a little skeptical about making things ok for just this part or that part because you never know down the line when something else is found that uses it, then we have to decide if we should allow it for that part too. It becomes complicated and controversial. Even if it is banned, that won't stop people from using it to search for more tricks and glitches and if something is found later on, we'll just have to discuss it and do what is best when that time comes. Things change and new tricks are found. It's just part of speedrunning and always will be. This is just my personal opinion. The final decision will reflect all of our votes as a community so speak your honest opinion about it.


I also think that it could be accepted only for Barry skip in case that people wants this to happen.

Honestly I love everything that Sephjul discovered regarding glitches for this game (minus P42 glitch not gonna lie, fuck that shit), but I feel this is just a bad idea overall.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago
United Kingdom

Can we not make Major Glitches specifically even more of a drag, please? What sense would it make to allow it for Barry skip but not Serum / Plant 42 skip / General Pause Cancelling (In the case of NMG)? Just throwing that out there. Why add it specifically for Barry skip to save a measly 1 second, but not add it everywhere so it can save the maximum amount of time? Like, I don't want it added, but I just don't understand that.

Just gonna be blunt and say this sort of stuff is why many prefer RTA over IGT. When an exploit is involved that does nothing more than pause the IGT without actually improving the performance of the run. I mean, yes the number at the end will be lower, but you're effectively wasting time by doing this. This is just one of many flaws with IGT, and I don't necessarily believe we should be pushing every exploit to cheapen it. At that point we're just finding ways to break the timer itself, instead of being good at the game.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago
StevenMayte, RawDerps, 그리고 wolfdnc 이것을 좋아함
California, USA

I worded that last post wrong. I meant we can ban it or allow it for Barry skip. Allowing it for open use is not reasonable at all. What seems logical to me is either full ban or allow it for Barry skip. I'm leaning more toward full ban because exceptions can get messy later on.

zenix 이것을 좋아함
California, USA

Also, I really fucking hate when I fuck a message up.

United Kingdom


My stance on idling is if the run is RTA then idle as much as you want. You are only losing time by doing so. If you are intentionally idling on a screen that pauses the IGT, and said speedrun uses IGT, then that is an issue.

Personally, I would vote to not allow it for any use whatsoever. If you mistime a Pause Cancel, then that should be the penalty for doing so; losing time.

As far as Barry Skip goes, it's literally at the beginning of the game, as in, the first thing you do in a Glitched run. Messing it up has no repercussion whatsoever besides having to watch that wonderful intro dialogue again. There doesn't seem like a good reason to bring in timer-manipulation related tech for a skip that is no more than a minute into a run and isn't ¤that¤ difficult to begin with, I feel.

Either way, said my piece fully I think.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago

its like i said before this new glitch is completely pointless a good find but pointless nonetheless


Hey there :)

I didn't want to find a silly way to break the timer to have a free WR. You know that i m not like that ;) My personal though was it was strange to ban an ingame menu and close door to new stuff with this menu. I say "new" but i use this menu since very long time on PS ( start+select ) for my research.

But i can understand that using this shit to have better IGT is stupid. That's also why i did this thread with Clix advice. I m ok if everybody want to ban this config menu whatever when it s used ;)

If someone open this menu by mistake ( cause it s not only doable with F5, personally i use the ingame mapping ) i will also be sad to ban his run for nothing. Plus, if one day i find a way to do a new glitch only doable with this menu, i will reopen a thread.

Resume :

  • I don t want to win time with this config menu if it s only used for IGT manipulation (not fair)
  • I don t want to ban someone who open this menu cause it s an ingame feature + can be mistake
  • I still do research of new stuff including using this menu and reopen a thread if something new
  • Someone must check if the final timer is impacted on others versions ( I don t have time for the moment, lot of work )
  • I will respect community and accept that config menu is banned whatever how it is used.
  • For Barry glitch, i m ok but what about run already using it like mine for exemple :

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago
United Kingdom

Opening the menu by mistake shouldn't be an issue. The problem isn't the menu itself, it's using the menu to pause the timer when doing pause cancels / glitches.

If someone opens the config menu by mistake in a situation where Pause Cancel isn't beneficial or no skip is possible, then no time has been saved regardless because there's no animation to skip / glitch done caused by the Pause Cancel. There's no problem in these situations.

I'd find it unlikely to believe someone would manage to hit the config button by mistake in the exact instance a Pause Cancel would benefit (such as an animation cancel) or on the exact frame to cause Barry Skip or Serum Skip.

In terms of Pause Cancelling via the regular menu it is, because the regular menu also serves as a means of reloading / healing. It has a purpose during a speedrun. Which is why we ultimately decided to just allow it across the board. People don't accidentally hit the menu button, they hit the menu button at an inopportune time (to heal, reload) which inadvertently meant they Pause Cancelled. Like Zenix said, mid-run the config menu serves no function (for what it's intended to do, config controls) and also has no other purpose, so the only way someone would ever enter it 'by mistake' is if their finger slipped at the exact moment a regular Pause Cancel would've benefit them. Which is a chance so ridiculously unlikely we shouldn't even need to take it into consideration, really.

편집한 사람 작성자 8 years ago
zenix, SephJul, 그리고 Hedsnoww 이것을 좋아함
California, USA

All well said Wulfz. So just to remind everyone, Sephjul started this thread to bring this issue to an official decision. It may sound like a very silly thing to discuss but if we don't make a ruling on this, there is nothing stopping someone from abusing it in these ways. I'm glad to see everyone agree on almost every aspect of this and I also expected it to go this way. Even though this issue is simple and we all agree, it still had to take place so we can add it to the rules and have a clear understanding about it's use. In other words, we knew nobody would want this but now it's official and everyone is aware of it. Also, no new rules were added/changed without all of your opinions considered. This is a tradition we would like to keep because community decisions are always better than power hungry assholes making decisions on their own for everybody else. We always discuss every change, silly or not. Thank you for being mature and respectful through this process once again guys. Great job!

Lileya-Celestie, Garl_Memory 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
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