Orlando, FL, USASarabi3 years ago

The post says Trio runs will be kept unless they World Records. Meaning, no. They're not all removed yet. There will be no Trio WRs.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi3 years ago

Hello everyone. As many will soon notice, two of perhaps the largest changes have been made to this speedrun.com page:

The old unused Any% categories have now been removed & Multiplayer% has been changed to Duo%.

I know this is was an unprecedented move that many people were not expecting. Let me explain why the moderation took this step. While this is a simple explanation, it is necessary to let everyone know why this was done.

The removal of Any% is a bit less shocking, and some probably could have seen it coming. This category has sat unused for... I want to say over a year now, maybe? It has been some time. This category was removed due to that fact. There is no point in having a non supported category listed anymore. The game has been severely altered since that category was created in 2017 - making nearly all the runs either unbeatable or just plain unfair. So even if we were to revive that category, the existing runs would have been a lost cause anyway.

Now, for the bigger change, Multiplayer% --> Duo%. The submission page now restricts you from listing more than two people in a multiplayer run. This decision was not made very lightly, as we know this erases quite a few runs. Not most, but a good amount from each level. We did this because presenting more and more players on an unlimited scale for one level is unfair. It gives people with more players in a category an unfair advantage over a duo pair. It is also important to note that trio+ was not the popular choice for multiplayer, anyway. 95% of multiplayer runs were done as a duo. So... as a result of what I mentioned, unfair advantages, and a few other determining factors, we now restrict multiplayer to duo runs. All multiplayer runs will now require POVs, and can no longer be done in a public server.

We hope you can understand why we made these changes, and we will update you if any other changes take place - which will be likely, as the developer begins to update the game again.

If you have any questions, please ask them in this thread. Thanks, and I hope you all have a good remainder of the week.

Trio+ runs will not be removed unless they are World Records.

v1nnyy 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi3 years ago

That's a good question. The rules for public servers have not been updated since 2017, so the buttons were definitely updated since then. I'll look into this.

Kaotiqx 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi3 years ago

First of all, next time just message me instead of creating an entire thread for this.

Secondly, I'm not "Stromy".

Third, your run was rightfully declined.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

Hello, all the rules can be found on any of the levels where you’d like to submit. There is a button that says “view rules”.

But as already answered by Zenkoina, the answer is no.

Kaotiqx 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

Hey everyone, hope you’re all doing well. This is just a reminder for future applicants that will want to moderate this page.

• As per speedrun.com rules, you MUST be 16 years or older to be able to moderate a game. This includes Flood Escape 2.

If we do not abide by this rule, we may get in trouble. So please keep this in mind. Have a great day! :)

Blind 그리고 Kaotiqx 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

No, sorry. As Sprite said, it would ultimately be a waste of a category spot. That would also mean no first person, as well. You do the same type of movement with shift locking and first person. Then it'd just be a third person category. So... again.. no. We're not going to make a category for different play styles, including something like a backwards%.

They don't add anything good to the board.

Kaotiqx 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

You can record with a camera. Just make sure your screen is reasonably clear. 🙂 @unbreakablewaffle

Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

Non intentional uses of the speed glitch were never rejected, unless they were major. In that case, it was not and therefore kept.

On the wall hopping situation, wall hops will remain valid in glitchless.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

As for the top 10 input rule, eehh? I mean.. I really don’t think it’ll make a difference. Either you cheat or you don’t.

On the counter side however... I THINK it might be fine to let it follow just the top 10. I only say this just to save new runners and just let them relax until they can settle in and get used to running the game.

I can’t speak for any new runner, but I would hope the input thing wouldn’t turn them away from running the game. I think allowing it to just run with the top 10 would be fine. If the runners become more “serious” about running the game and enter the top 10, then yeah they’ll need to begin using input displays.

I don’t know if any of that made sense but I think some can get the general idea of what I’m trying to say.

Basically: if you become serious about running this game and enter top 10, then you gotta do display, if you’re just doing a one and done and has no intentions of top 10 then it wouldn’t really be necessary.

Insomnimatics 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

"The implementation of the new rules would then mean that at the present moment, Mac users cannot actually submit a speedrun. They will need to either switch to Windows, or to console. Now I am personally fine with that, and I may switch to Windows in time, so that I can record runs on Kega Fusion, with input display enabled, and submit them. If there are no other Mac users in the leaderboard as of this moment, then I suppose we are good to go."

@KingTayyab I am a mac user actually. But I just used bootcamp to change my system to windows. It's definitely an option if that's what you want to do.

Insomnimatics, 8BitsOfJoy, 그리고 KingTayyab 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

"There are many Emu's out there so I think not allowing BizHawk simply for it having so many tools, might be the best course."

I agree with this. I feel it's a bit unnecessary to add all of these restrictions to one emulator. It's much easier to just ban it all together. I would say it's worth it if it were hard to get an emulator, but since downloading another emulator is so easy... it's just.. yeah.

8BitsOfJoy 그리고 Insomnimatics 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

Does all of this include IL's as well?

8BitsOfJoy 그리고 Insomnimatics 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

Nobody is stopping you from running any% and uploading it to your own personal channel. It’s just records will no longer be held on this website. We didn’t delete any% as to let people who previously ran it keep their work archived.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

From a moderation standpoint, any% was an absolute mess. There was a reason we substituted it for the full game runs.

There was way too many advantages/disadvantages that players would constantly have over each other. For example, leaderboard winners had an advantage over regular players. It would constantly call for rule changes and invalidating runs. It’s not a stable category.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

Hi. Please link any runs that are verified that are ran in maptest. Maptest runs are against the rules and will be declined. If they were accepted, this means it was overlooked.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

My basic idea of a qualified moderator would be as following:

Ran the game a good amount of times (Does not need to submit a run weekly, or every single month of course.) Is active with its members within the community. Which is the thing I believe is the most important. The moderator must be willing to listen and talk with the community with issues. And of course, trust worthy.

Now, @AlfredoSalza, I believe you fit the qualifications perfectly. It's very good that you're sitting here now responding to us and listening to what we're saying. I think what most of us is asking is that we're getting input on the things that happen with the rules, categories, etc. When someone asks for something, I believe it should be brought up with community like in the discord (for example, what insom has been doing with the Genesis version) and everyone has the chance to express their thoughts whether they agree or disagree. And not.. just that copy/paste response.

As for your thing about "I also have a hard time telling if someone who started playing this game for less than a year is "more valid" or not to be a mod that someone that knows the TLK community (or more than one speedrun community) for +4 years, as is the case of some of the candidates I mentioned."

This is a fair concern. It's natural to want someone who has been running the game for a longer period to be running things. However, I don't believe newer runners should be less valid than older runners. Why? Because the community should be there to help guide them in the right direction. Again, this goes with the moderators actively talking with their community. We should all have fair game when it comes to discussing these things. Of course we need more people to hop on and discuss this with us to make it known the community is on this, but that'll take time and we'll get there.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

@AlfredoSalza "I talk with Fonzoide every week and TMR recently started streaming in Twitch again. I'm sorry if you don't know or care about them." I'm not saying I don't know nor care about them. Not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying what would qualify them as mods is not their activity in OTHER communities or other places like twitch. What matters is their interaction within THIS community here, which I see none of.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

"2) DCG is already added to the LB, as I stated in my latest pastebin."

Dude, DCG looks like it was just slapped on there within a minute with ZERO thought put into it. It's basically like you just said "here you go now shut up" without saying it directly.

The rules are literally as following: "-Category for the "Disney Classic Games" version of the game".

Ok, since nothing else was mentioned in the rules for this category, I would be able to rewind, and use all the other bonus features included in that release. And I'd be able to argue that there are literally no rules for that category when a run like that is submitted. And no, it doesn't say it in the rule set for the original version of the game, so again, that category is just free for all. It just SCREAMS lazy.

Nichole even offered suggestions how exactly to list the category, and you just liked the post and ignored it from there.

"3) It is not a surprise to me that you haven't heard 2/4 of the names."

How are we expected to know these community members if they don't even talk in the discord or the forums? Akiteru is fine, due to the fact that he actually talks in the discord, but the others? What????? TMR hasn't said anything in the discord for going on 3 years, meaning, yes! He is not an active part of this community! He doesn't talk with the community, in a public way at least, that would make him fit for a mod on this game. Fonzoide, my god, hasn't been on speedrun.com in over a month (which a mod needs way more activity than that), and is not on the discord, nor has ever spoke on the forums. Not to mention, his last run on this game 6 years ago. Besides Akiteru, why were these runners even thought of??

It's not all about being an constant runner (though yes, Fonzoide and his 6 years ago is WAY too long), but if they're not even an active part of this community then no, they do not have any reason to be a moderator for this game and do not deserve it.

Insomnimatics 이것을 좋아함
Orlando, FL, USASarabi4 years ago

I second what Insomnimatic says.

There are a few instances I feel definitely could’ve been handled better. Just to give one example on one of the threads that talked about a rule change (the post that confirms the ban of the Disney Classic Games release) BinaryDragon requested that the rule be reverted until the community made some inputs on the matter. Alfredo, you claimed that the WR holder was talked to. The WR holder is NOT the voice of the community. While yes, I would agree that their input is very important since they have dedicated a ton of time into the game, they do not speak for everyone. Everyone needs to have equal input in decisions, even in rules that are changed/applied.

As with another moderator added to the board, I agree that @Nichole would be a great choice. @PlayingWithDick would also be a great choice, too. There are many members out there like them that can help out. Boards should not be run by one single person, nor should decisions be made by just a moderator and a WR holder. Things should be brought up to the community and discussed between community members.

8BitsOfJoy, Nichole 그리고 2 기타 이것을 좋아함
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