스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT11 months ago

For character% I like the idea in theory. I could imagine something like Comet% or Stella% being a fun entry level category for beginners that doesn't require them to learn all the different events. But in practice I think generally people would just continue to run Any% and then submit it if it happened to have a particularly quick time for a specific character. It's the same reason I've never liked the idea of a tutorial category/dogeza% etc - you'd probably just continue to run Any%. But if you think it's a good idea I'm ok with it.

I can't really comment on the loop 60 category because I don't think there are any English resources etc for it and I haven't properly looked into it. I'm not sure how it works or how practical it is to speedrun so I'll leave the decision to everyone else...

To be honest my feeling has always been that Gnosia isn't really a good fit for alternate categories. It's always going to feel the same as any% unless you add restrictions like "No engineer" "No reloading" etc (but that just makes an already difficult speedrun even more awkward)

스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

That's interesting info - I do generally go out of my way to answer the dialog choices instead of skipping them so it's good to know I was mostly picking the correct answers. (I also still try to say goodbye when people get put into cold sleep but still not sure if that's doing anything or if it's even causing some kind of decrease by saying goodbye to definite Gnosia)

Raqio's love increasing when you choose the wrong answers in the quizzes is hilarious, I'll need to start doing that!

Thanks again for researching this stuff!

Pressiepop 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

Thanks for updating it - the PC categories do look a bit lonely with only 1/2 players but it makes sense to have them separated so I think it's a good change overall!

Yoshitaka 그리고 tunasand 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

Just re: what I was saying about RNG in Yoshitaka's stream - shortly after the PC release people were complaining about event occurence/characters not using abilities but it was patched:


It's possible event occurence in Switch/PC versions are the exact same after the patches but I guess it's another factor worth thinking about...

tunasand 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

Hi everyone, I've been watching some of Yoshitaka/Tekimichi's recent PC runs and I saw some discussion of whether there's a big enough difference between PC/Switch that they should be separated into different categories (eg, like how Yoshi's Island has different leaderboards for SNES/Virtual Console)


I don't have the PC version so I can't time the exact difference but watching Yoshitaka/Tekimichi, the PC version looks outright faster than Switch due to the shorter loading/cold sleep scenes...

Even if it's only 1-2 seconds per loop, across 70+ loops it could be a difference of 70-90 seconds.

What does everyone think? It feels a little unfair to have them together if one platform has an advantage but at the same time there are so few runners that it might be a bad idea to split the leaderboards...

(Also it seems that SRC was treating runs on different platforms by the same runner as separate listings on the leaderboard so I updated this in the options)

https://i.imgur.com/ML84W7x.png https://i.imgur.com/KmqJ0zy.png

스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

Thanks for testing, I watched the run after work. I thought it would make a bigger difference but I agree it's better to ban it. I updated the "game rules" section with some basic rules, feel free to modify these if you can think of anything else to add.

I also included a rule to ban Switch/PS Vita emulators, I don't know much about emulators so I'm not sure if this would really be an issue but it seems best to do the runs on the original consoles...

Yoshitaka 그리고 tunasand 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

Thanks, those icons look much better than mine! I would be happy to use those for now, maybe we could experiment with other ideas but I think it's an improvement over the default trophies

Also both favicons are good - I think I like the first one a little more.

스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

Sorry I had another small suggestion for the rules. Would it be ok to add a rule to ban using turbo? Since so much of the speedrun is just skipping through text it would be an unfair advantage (eg in the Comet slime mold event which is all text, or in debates where it doesn't matter if you get frozen or not)

I don't have a turbo controller so I don't know how much of a difference it really makes but I think this is a common rule in VN speedruns...

Gnosia is quite a long speed run so even if you were only saving a few seconds per loop, it would add up to a big difference by the end.

tunasand 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

Thanks! I didn't realise the favicon could be changed, that's a cool idea. I think the key would be really good for that!

For the background, do you mean this room? I've updated it for now but feel free to edit it if you like (maybe a higher quality image could be gotten from the PC version but I think it looks good)


For the trophy icons, I tried to create gold/silver/bronze crew icons but the role icons seem to lose a lot of detail when they're reduced to 16x16 so I'm not sure if it looks good or not...here's a really quick photoshop but maybe you could do it better than this:


tunasand 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT1 year ago

I've noticed some games on SRC have custom backgrounds/icons for the top 3 runners etc. It's not perfect but I made a version of the logo in the style of the Gnosia title:


Does anyone have good ideas for a background/1st/2nd/3rd place icons?

tunasand 그리고 tekimichi 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT2 years ago

That's interesting, how did you get Setsu's Let's Play event to trigger loop on 54? I'm not sure if you're interested in adding more data but I checked the loop counts for my 1:48 run.

(I tried requesting edit access but I don't know if I did it correctly - I thought you would receive an email about it but I'm not sure)

edit: I have access now, thanks! vvv

스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT2 years ago

Thanks for the clarifications on the info + the interesting video. It's nice to finally get confirmation on the colour thing and that it wasn't me just gradually losing my mind! The gender thing too, we had been avoiding male because of unnecessary romance events but I feel like Raqio is the single most important character in the speedrun so this whole time it might have worked out a little faster to go with NB over female (though like you said I don't have a good sense of how much of an impact this stuff really has e.g I think I picked orange in my most recent PB and had no issues triggering Gina's events)

It doesn't kill the magic too much but...I'll probably stop my habit of choosing a different colour for every run 😂

Pressiepop 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT2 years ago

Thanks for sharing - this is really interesting! I wondered if this kind of info would be available once the PC version came out. I agree that some of the loop counts seem to be way off though

  • Intuition affecting Chipie's Gnosia event is very interesting, I always wondered why it sometimes refuses to trigger
  • Loop 60 for the Chipie collab seems way too high, it always seems available almost immediately after his Gnosia event
  • I agree on the Remnan AI planet one seeming too high, I think I've gotten this earlier than loop 40 even
  • Setsu's Let's Play event being 65 is interesting - I do lots of 5-1 loops early on to raise the loop count because I suspected this one and a few others had a minimum number of loops required but 65 almost sounds a little high to me
  • Shigemichi - is this the little grey event? It's been causing a lot of trouble recently, I feel like it always either triggers no problem at like loop 30-40 or is one of the very last ones you need. It'd be useful to know what the actual requirements are for ones like this, and the Shigemichi shower event since they can feel really luck based. (Gina's "Don't be fooled!" event is also one that easily kills runs if it hasn't occured naturally - it just seems to require Gina to trust you and notice that someone has lied but it's a huge pain to trigger intentionally if there's no other events left!)
  • Loop 50 for the second SQ collab sounds real late to me, I wanna say I've gotten both of her team up events before loop 30.

Actually the one tiny thing I always wanted confirmation on from the source code was if the favourite colour you choose as your avatar at the beginning affects anything. I'm 99% sure it doesn't but with such an RNG heavy speedrun it's easy to start thinking "if I pick pink, maybe SQ will like me better during the run"

I don't know if it sounds silly but it almost kind of kills some of the magic if we know exactly how everything occurs, but it's interesting info for sure

Pressiepop 이것을 좋아함
스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT2 years ago

Sorry, I turned on "Times in milliseconds" myself because I had a run to submit! But those changes sound good to me.

스레드: Gnosia
IrelandErinT2 years ago

A tie 😮

That sounds ok to me (but I would be very surprised if a tie ever happened again...). I'm not sure what happens to existing records - I think they would have to be updated manually. It might be easier to leave the older submissions as is and use milliseconds for future runs...

Or maybe it could be something like this where milliseconds are only required for runs under 2 hours: https://www.speedrun.com/yh10s1

tekimichi 이것을 좋아함
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