2 years ago

I've noticed some games on SRC have custom backgrounds/icons for the top 3 runners etc. It's not perfect but I made a version of the logo in the style of the Gnosia title:


Does anyone have good ideas for a background/1st/2nd/3rd place icons?

편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
tunasand 그리고 tekimichi 이것을 좋아함

Thanks for the great logo! The background color is cool, too, being close to the title screen of the game.

I didn't know about that customization. It's interesting how each game has its own personality. I'll share the URL you gave me as well... https://www.speedrun.com/yi

As for the icon idea... a. Gold/Silver/Copper color for crew icon b. 4 of the Role Icons c. Gold/Silver/Copper color of Silver Key (Silver Key but gold...?)

Silver Key might look better with a favicon. As for the background...I think the one that would look best would be the main console....

Below is a note on the size of the images. Background: 1920x1080 Icons: 16x16-64x64 Favicon: 16x16

ErinT 이것을 좋아함

Thanks! I didn't realise the favicon could be changed, that's a cool idea. I think the key would be really good for that!

For the background, do you mean this room? I've updated it for now but feel free to edit it if you like (maybe a higher quality image could be gotten from the PC version but I think it looks good)


For the trophy icons, I tried to create gold/silver/bronze crew icons but the role icons seem to lose a lot of detail when they're reduced to 16x16 so I'm not sure if it looks good or not...here's a really quick photoshop but maybe you could do it better than this:


편집한 사람 작성자 2 years ago
tunasand 이것을 좋아함

Yes, the background is that room. I easily forget that different languages have different names. (JP: Main Console -> EN: Main Control)

I tried the icon and favicon on my end... hmmm... https://i.imgur.com/3qhaAum.png


Thanks, those icons look much better than mine! I would be happy to use those for now, maybe we could experiment with other ideas but I think it's an improvement over the default trophies

Also both favicons are good - I think I like the first one a little more.


I changed only the favicon for the time being.

I also made this pattern to try it out. https://imgur.com/wKJy7NR.png

tunasand 그리고 ErinT 이것을 좋아함

Happy New Year! I have set an icon to welcome the New Year. For now, I decided to use the image of the crew.

ErinT, tunasand, 그리고 tekimichi 이것을 좋아함
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