Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo7 years ago

Collect all berries is a little tough since it can be hard to tell if anyone accidentally missed any. How about something like "All levels + unlockables"? So complete levels 1-6 + bonus level and get 850 berries

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo7 years ago

I can add it as a category, what would the rules be?

スレッド: HuniePop
Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo7 years ago

is there an easy way to downgrade to 1.0? Google brought up very little

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo7 years ago

ok my math was totally off...

Redemption: Assuming one is splitting their room with someone else, it would be $437.50 for West and $511 for the Hilton for 7 days. The difference between the 2 conference rooms is $1225. If people are saving $36 if they're splitting it 4 ways) for the week it's still justified to add an extra however much for the difference of hotels (benchmark: add $10 for 125 people)

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo7 years ago

West Hotel seems to be the better choice since it has a larger space and cheaper rooms. If rooms are $20 cheaper per night you can easily justify a $5 increase on attendance fee (also easier for those flying in)

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

So anyone excited for ESA 2017?

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

all right tried for a little but got no where with clipping... guess there's no getting around the extra fight

Speaking of, I'll most likely stick to the RTA route unless I find something interesting, but if anyone has any cool ideas, feel free

スレッド: Pokémon Snap
Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

there's a discord server here you can ask in: http://discord.gg/0SuBgj5VrbAyTncL

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

Haven't tried clipping yet so I'll give that a shot cause that would be pretty great

also don't know if this was pointed out but the wr video seems to be broken

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

I've started working on a TAS of this game in my free time, I have about the first 5 minutes done if anyone wants to see

A few notes on tests I've done:

Elasto blasting is really fucking stupid. Holding the A button for 16 frames or less will result in a jump, holdint it for 17 frames or more will result in an elasto blast. Depending on the length of your charge, you'll go a set distance. BUT THAT"S NOT ALL! The most optimal charge time is 53 frames out of the total 57 (which is a full stretched blast). However, there is an optimal "range" for real time guys to try to aim for, which would be anywhere from 50 frames to 57 frames inclusively (This game runs at 60 fps). Here's a diagram, the important things are the yellow boxes are most optimal distance per frame traveled, and the numbers on the far left are the number of frames that A is held down. http://imgur.com/XO0tKQs

Another really stupid mechanic is text mashing. Fun fact, every time you press the B button during a text box, the game lags a bit. Now obviously this doesn't really matter since using B speeds up text way more then the 1 or 2 frames of lag lost but as you can see in the record run here the cart stops very slightly, which is due to the lag caused by the text boxes.

Other stuff: I have no idea how the skip at the beginning of the game works but I assume it has something to do with mashing buttons. I've tried everything I can to skip some of Swootsy(?)'s cutscene to no avail. The method currently used is deemed "TAS only" by me cause it's a 2 frame trick followed by a 1 frame trick. It saves ~3.5 seconds. I'm also skipping chests cause RNG can thankfully be manipulated in a TAS.

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

Runs would most likely have to be done live and not pre recorded

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

I guess it's my job to start this off, I'll just post stuff in whatever order comes to mind

  • Scheduling One thing that CoolMatty preaches for marathon is setup blocks, they have them (and usually use them) for GDQs, having them for this marathon would have greatly helped keeping the schedule on track. The other thing is last minute shifts in the schedule, my run (post-tech issues) was scheduled for 9:30am but when I woke up, it was suddenly at 8am. I was fine with that but if my run was at 8am and sudenly was pushed to 6:30 there's no way I could have known and I'd have slept through my run

  • Size of marathon area Was pretty small, my biggest issue was the lack of room around the runner, especially since part of it was in the way of the projector. The other "issue" is sleeping people, I didn't really have a problem with that, the one thing that could be an idea is to have a few soundproof foam walls around for the tech crew to sleep and just poke them when things start to break. Other people could sleep there too I guess.

  • Advertising The only place other then the NASA twitter where people could see that a marathon was going on was like 1 other tweet from the DH Speedrun twitter account, a couple of people that I spoke to on discord didn't even know that it was going on. Talking to people from GDQ or SRL to maybe get a tweet or a twitch host could have gone a long way, or even just asking to have the stream show up on SRL's front page.

  • Nametags Could have been useful

  • Practice Was sometimes rought trying to get some practice in cause of the lack of TVs but that might also have been part of the marathon area size

  • Screen transitions Displayed the logo and nothing else basically, could have added things like next 2-3 runs + runner's names or find something to fill the time with (premade videos maybe?)

  • French restream died not too sure what happened exactly but it seems to have eventually been forgotten about. To be fair, we didn't have that much man power at any given point and not many people were familiar with all runs

  • Paid passes Super 100% appreciated

Other then that, the marathon was pretty great, tech crew and runners were all awesome and all the runs I saw were fantastic, I'd definitely go back if there's another one

  • Other things from the event (not speedrun) Monster energy sponser was as good of an idea as a bad one, I may never get over this newfound caffeine addiction

Smash was great, could have used more stations at times

No sunglasses at merch hut :<

Shirts were cool though

Lots of food options close by, was great

Rest area was a good idea but I only heard about it like a week before the event started. I probably would have stayed with a hotel anyways, mostly because to the best of my knowledge (and the fact that I saw some people attempting to wash themselves from the bathroom sink) there were no showers which could have caused... issues...

Staff were checking bags on the way out but not on the way in, that sends quite the message

Met Kage, he was pretty cool

Lanayru, Squaky, そして Shokushu これを好き
Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

That'll most likely directly conflict with ESA

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

@mcill If it's needed I can just rip my jumper pak out of my n64 and pass it on for the run

Dark-Aries これを好き
Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

Is the schedule going to get re-updated with drops and such?

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

Good to go over here

Edit: if we already bought tickets will there be possibility to get a refund?

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

Do we know approximately when the schedule will be released?

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

is there any fail safe if a runner doesn't get into the marathon they'll still be able to buy tickets? or if they become sold out it's just sol

スレッド: Pokémon Snap
Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

Unfortunately no n64 emulator can emulate this game properly and dolphin is quite inaccurate with load times so no emulator is allowed. It's mentioned on our sister site here : http://wiki.pokemonspeedruns.com/index.php?title=Pok%C3%A9mon_Snap

Ottawa, ON, Canadaquo8 years ago

Any limit of number of runs we can submit? Also will there be a comp for PC games or if I submit them will I need to bring my own?

stepfather of speedrunning
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