スレッド: The Site
United StatesJade_Tyrant8 years ago

I have changed my Twitch and Twitter usernames to ShadeOfTyranny. Could I get my username here changed to that?

Thank you, and I apologize for being one of many to request this.

スレッド: The Site
United StatesJade_Tyrant8 years ago

Not sure if this is just me or a general site issue, but notifications aren't going away when viewed? Still have 2 notifications even though I viewed them already.

TheGlitched64 そして kobepilgrim これを好き
スレッド: Undertale
United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

Question: To me, it seems as if despite the rule, your only way of determining whether someone's mapped Z and X to a scroll mouse is if they're suddenly mashing at ridiculous speeds, and that's the main worry. Wouldn't making the rule something along the lines of, "keys are only allowed to be re-mapped to other keys on a keyboard" solve the problem of someone trying to cheat in mashing, but also allow people with keyboards that have weird arrow key issues to not be forced to find alternatives?

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

So, just to be sure: will we be getting an e-mail whenever things start getting finalized?

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I uploaded my save file, since I figured out a way to "switch" save files. It wasn't that hard, I just hadn't bothered to go about doing it. I figured it might make it easier for new runners to get into running the game, at the very least.

I plan to update the save once I have all 6-star weapons, but anyone else can upload their save if they want. Unfortunately, there's no way to take a certain weapon or what-not from one save and put it in another, so I still have to try and get the OP horse on my own....

Mawfeen これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning
United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I only really run Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition (I technically have done a run in another game, but I don't anymore because load times make it impossible for me to get anywhere with it).

There's not really many runners besides me (one who ran months ago, and two who ran recently but stopped - not sure if one is returning, know the other isn't). However, it's still a fun game for me to run and I've successfully gotten the 5 Out of Bounds WRs, beating the times of the person who ran months ago and started the speedrun.com category for this game.

Lance_ これを好き
United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I would agree - it's a similar 'concept' of glitch in that it allows for going through parts of the map that you aren't supposed to, and no OoB was meant to be a category where that type of glitch is not used.

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I feel like if we add Hypothetical, it should probably be only OoB. Otherwise, that's 20 routes for a game with very few runners. Even 15 is a bit much, so I would say let's not add those unless/until there are more people running the game.

(Unrelated: the fuck is with that No OoB Lu Bu time? HOW EVEN)

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

Actually, it's not a main category, but they have an Any% No Save Corruption. Based on the name it's probably not quite the fastest run out there, but it's about a 17-18 minute run that uses a glitch to basically warp to the Hall of Fame in comparison to the over 1 hour usual runs.

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

Another thing I found in the rules is that there would be "no new categories for any 'warp to end credits' type of glitch". Which makes no sense, because by essence, that would FORCE a new category. If the game can be done faster with a game-breaking glitch, that would necessitate a new category for speedruns because it's a faster way of beating the game, the same way other games have different categories for super fast glitches like that (see Pokemon Red/Blue).

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I did bring it up in my messages to Tiffanyfruit on Twitch about the no OoB category, yes.

And I'm not sure there's much DLC that is that helpful...? I mean, I agree that there's not much reason to disallow it, but I also honestly see no reason to use it logistically. Even the Puccho Red Hare horse isn't all that useful, and besides that, I'm not sure there's much DLC that would make runs any faster. But as I said, due to that, I don't see much reason to not allow it either.

スレッド: Speedrunning
United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

Okay, thank you!!

スレッド: Speedrunning
United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

So I was recording a run, but accidentally hit the wrong button and paused the timer instead of splitting. I started it again as soon as I could, but there's obviously the issue of the timer being slightly behind my actual time for the run. Is there a way for me to still submit the run (because it was my best run in that category, despite however many seconds might not have made it on the timer), or is it invalidated because of that?

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I should clarify, since I've looked up some things in the day since I made this post - the main glitch I saw used in the runs already here is Out of Bounds, allowing one to run through walls and make their way to places one couldn't get to at that point in the map (ex: running through the wall to get to Yuan Shao early in at Hulao Gate in Lu Bu route). Unless I missed something, Out of Bounds is the only glitch used, and that's the glitch I meant not using.

United StatesJade_Tyrant9 years ago

I know that glitches are considered acceptable in both versions of running this game (NG+ and New Game), but I want to run the game normally without glitches. Would it be possible to make a category for that, or should I not bother?

9 years ago
1 month ago
最終ラン 9 years ago
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition