First of all. Hello everyone!
A week ago I uploaded a run and it is still pending verification. It is my first run so I don't know the estimated time to get verificated or if I did anything wrong.
As a free user you can only one run at a time, is that correct?
Thanks a lot :)
I've submitted multiple runs in the same day for fighting games. There's no issue, they just go in a queue to validate. Submit as many as you got.
You'd think 1 week is a long time and it is but gives moderators 3 weeks before they have to take action. If you raise a support ticket before then to staff, it'll be rejected.
My strategy is to DM the mod(s) after 1 week or so. They tend to mod and follow many games at once and haven't played the game you submitted to in years. Therefore your run becomes low priority and they may not notice a post in the forum.
I'd like the rules to change to 2 weeks max because waiting is aggravating when I have the free time to keep up with all the games I follow but that's not how it works.
Ok. Thanks for answering. Being my first time I didn't know if I did anything wrong. Nice to know is just a matter of wating a bit longer. Again, thanks a lot for your response.