Leaderboard Update - March 2025
5 days ago
Angus, Scotland

Hey Folks,

Been Long overdue for a Leaderboard update and I apologise for that, I had originally intended to do this just after New Years but i unfortunately ran into a pretty serious medical emergency that completely put a stop to all my plans. In light of this i am going to be looking for folk to join the mod team to help keep the queues down, while i was recovering the queue got quite large and neglected and it does ultimately fall down to me. If anyone is interested please reach out to me and we can look at getting new folks added.

Second I took the feedback from folk asking for platforms to finally be separated and I will be working to get that implemented. As it stands PS2, Saturn, PC and Arcade will have their own categories and all Emulator runs will be in their own Emulator specific category. It will take a few days for everything to look normal again (I fear I will have to manually edit 99% of runs to change their platform, alternatively if anyone wants to volunteer for that effort it will be greatly appreciated)

Lastly in light of Twitch's recent changes to the highlights system and the cap on users, we will be rejecting all future twitch highlight links and we ask that you submit YouTube Links instead. Runs already verified are grandfathered in but i highly recommend playing it safe and editing them with a YouTube Link.

If anyone has any other suggestions of Feedback they wish to share then please feel free to and we can consider it if theres community demand.

NewSchoolBoxer これを好き

I don't know you, but I'm glad you're OK now :)

My runs for this game has been verified very quickly, so I thank the mods for that.

I'm new to the speedrun community and all my runs were already being uploaded to Youtube.

I wish you good luck finding new folks to be mods here, if it's really needed.

Hong Kong

Glad you are okay Lonne.

In terms of verifying people's runs, what does that involve? Obviously I've played the game a lot myself, but I don't know if I'd spot someone cheating?

Good ideas all around. You do have to manually edit runs to move them from one category to another. Adding a new variable such as Car or Transmission populates it as blank in every run and then they need to be edited to choose the value. I have no life but if you wanted me to do this, remove me as mod after. I'm more a fan and don't have deep knowledge.

Verifying, I start with a presumption of innocence and weigh against the number of red flags. Person comes out of nowhere to WR a competitive game, no history of progression, new account, extreme consistency almost to TAS level, level of luck, loading from save state, etc.

I loaded a known spliced Super Mario 64 video in Audacity to look for the audio discontinuity as a test. I have an electronics background so not hard. The runner who got falsely accused in the Abyssoft video was done by someone with no electronics knowledge using cringe level of ChatGPT.

The only cheated run I found was a fighting game where the runner used a faster speed setting by mistake. Shown at the start in plain sight. Mods removed after I DMed. I mistimed my own run with an editing mistake that made the time longer. I uploaded with the fixed timer, edited the submission with the new link, time and explanation and got re-verified.