FPS Cap discussion (19th February 2025)
FPS Cap discussion (19th February 2025)
投稿日 4 days ago 投稿者:

Hello, once again with our favorite type of news, FPS related

We're currently holding a extremely important poll related to FPS caps on all PC categories, in the [community discord]. If you're a runner and interested in shouting an opinion, please join the link: https://discord.gg/ctyhsa9NCk

The discussion is about having the lower FPS Cap be limited to 50 or 60 FPS, on only Capped runs, or also on Uncapped ones. This only affected All Sols and Seals runs, because Any% and True Ending were extremely reliant in a specific 50 FPS strat to ensure runs could work, without a extremely difficult and softlock-able strat right at the end of a run. But today, another backup strat that only requires 60 FPS was found, making the run more feasible without needing external software to be able to efficiently run or learn these categories. While 50 FPS could make some parts easier, it wouldn't be mandatory anymore, so we're discussing about how to proceed next.

For more info, check the discord poll. Thanks.

FPS Cap rule changes (22 Feb 2025)

Hi everyone

Upon discussion it was decided that runs for all categories, will have a lower cap of 60FPS, for both Capped and Uncapped restrictions. This should make the runs more accessible in terms of installation, no need for external software, and any FPS changes that need to be done can be done

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