Serious Moderator Issues.
7 years ago

First, some context. I'm a Nidhogg Speedrunner that held the top score on the leaderboards for a long time. When I started recording (using my old laptop at the time), it dropped frames on my game which led to my runs being rejected (I was notified 2 years later). That is completely understandable as to why my runs were rejected, but at the time that was the best content that I could produce.


The moderator (NovaTitan), then went so far as to call me shady and a cheater on another YouTube channel. So, within a week I reclaimed my top spot with a video proof in full frames, putting this to rest once and for all. I confronted him with the intention of clearing my name.

NovaTitan continues to hold his stance and refuses to admit that he was wrong. Not just for calling me a cheater, but for acting unprofessionally about the whole situation.

Please read a portion of the exchange below:

Here's a video link where one of our full conversations was held. Please click it and scroll down to the comments section.

Here's another conversation from the other channel:

Is this the type of moderator you want verifying your speedruns?

Sklitterbeer, MelonSlice, そして Imitatía これを好き
Lower Saxony, Germany

Well, not at all

New Jersey, USA

I have contacted the head moderator and he will approve the runs until I return from field operation.

New Jersey, USA

It should be done within the week if that.

I'm re-posting this from my other thread to continue to raise awareness of this situation:

The only reason I've been re-verifying the exact same run and same video, is because he immaturely took it upon himself to edit my description box of my run, trying to say that I don't have proof that I used a broken controller. What a joke. So I then resubmitted my video calling him out on his clear BS. Here's a screenshot of my response:

He, all of a sudden, won't re-verify my runs anymore. That's okay, since he's not fit for the job as he fails to set aside personal vendettas rather than be a professional. Which is to judge my speedrun record, not the existence of this broken controller, which I also provided a picture for, here:

In other words, he won't re-verify the run at least in part because of my comment.

He may or may not have asked Sutiibu in the past to verify my runs, which I'm guessing he didn't. Why would he need to wait on the approval of a run that Sutiibu has already seen? It's logical Sutiibu hasn't ever seen my run thus far.

The only other explanation is that I personally challenged him and his pride; if he's so confident that I'm a cheater, then go over my run and prove it. Watch it over and over and over again. The end result will be the same. He'll have to swallow his pride and verify me as the top spot again.

And lastly, we'd all love to see your 11 minute Nidhogg run. There are plenty of Twitch streamers that break records and have music and other things playing in the background. Even if you don't submit it officially, you can still upload it to YouTube! As others have pointed out, you joined the site very recently, have no runs posted, etc. Just who are you and what credentials do you have for a moderator position?

And never did I say I thought you only rejected my run. You just randomly assumed that just now? The other runs you may or may not have rejected have no relevance to me and my run. That is a red herring to draw attention away from holding you accountable for your BS. Not going to happen.

  1. I never said you rejected my most recent run.
  2. The image does nothing to address or disprove the controversies and allegations you've made.
  3. You conveniently left out why I resubmitted it, which is because you personally edited my run description stating I needed proof I used a broken controller while speedrunning the game. So then I resubmitted another description with the same run, calling you out for it. Ahaha!



New Jersey, USA

My screenshot was to show I contacted sutilbu. That's about it. I have not said I did not edit your description nor do i want to refute that or anything posted thus far.

I do not intend to refute or prove anything as our story is the same in terms of screenshots. And you and I did not delete any youtube comments as of posting so people can judge for themselves on that of their accord. I think that's fair.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago

People have judged for themselves. They don't like you. They don't think you're qualified. They don't want you to judge their speedruns. And they absolutely do not want you to be a moderator here.

She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

reminder this thread exists

good luck, hope you get it fixed

Chhipz これを好き

That's very useful. Thanks for letting me know!

United States

This controversy seems relatively ridiculous. Maybe there's more details I'm missing, but as far as I can tell: User A uploaded video with video issues making it potentially unverifiable. User B called User A a cheater. User A is in a large dispute with User B over being called a cheater.

I don't think it makes sense to call someone a cheater just because their video recording has issues. Has the user had this issue on other boards that I'm not aware of? It's fine to question and/or reject videos of bad quality, but we might be jumping to conclusions by labeling people cheaters. Maybe there's more here that I'm missing, but the details haven't exactly been clarified. How are we going to resolve this? Or are we just going to keep calling each other names and following each other around the forums?

@kirkq Here's the original thread that has plenty of more details to the situation.

Here's a summation of most of the critical events:

-My runs were rejected because there were dropped frames, which I agreed with him doing so. This notification came 2 years after I submitted my runs. No big deal. -He starts messaging the other Nidhogg speedrunner on his YouTube channel calling me shady and a cheater. -He has no proof or has confronted me on why my runs had frame issues, nor did he care. -I had an awful laptop back in the day, where I couldn't record without dropping frames. When I beat my records offline in full frames and they're posted on the Nidhogg leaderboards, people still think I'm cheating. It's a lose-lose situation for me. -Since then I have bought a new PC that is more capable of handling a steady framerate while recording. -A week later, I pickup the game after a few years and reclaim my world record spot. -He verifies it. Then I tell him to not call me a cheater. He starts arguing with me. He even said he wanted proof that it was my recording software causing the frame drops. Lol and how am I supposed to do that? -Basically, it came down to him just blatantly admitting he had no respect for me and still thinks of me as a cheater. Not very professional of a moderator to say, and way out of line. Especially with no proof. I do not appreciate my name being dragged through the mud on baseless accusations. -He has also threatened to remove all of my runs (abusing his mod privileges) because he's convinced I "cheated" (no proof). -I mention I broke the record using a broken controller, he then comments on the video submission itself that I have no proof I use a broken controller. Um what? Your job is to verify the speedrun, not the hardware I'm using. -I resubmit the video, calling him out for editing the video description and abusing his mod privileges. He refuses to reverify the run. -He passes the baton to Sutiibu to verify my run again (even though it's the same video he has verified before) and goes out of town or something.

That's meat of the situation. If a moderator is going to be disrespectful like that, then they don't deserve their privileges. I, as well as others, agree that NovaTitan should not be a moderator, as he has demonstrated his unprofessionalism and clear emotional bias under no rational basis.

If he wants to try and discredit my name and my work, then I will seek justice and let everyone know just who he is and what he's done, whilst clearing my name. I would not want him to ever behave the same to any other legitimate speedrunner. He should have his moderator status revoked.

編集者 投稿者 7 years ago
Breakthrough, Sklitterbeer, そして Kirbyrocket これを好き
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