Mines Clips
3 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

So I notice that it seems like no uses crouch cancel clips in the tunnel section of mines. Is there a specific reason for that? Like is it slower or do people just not know about it? I figure it'd allow for divekick speeding through the tunnels since there's no ceiling on the top of the stage, as well as skipping the AI bout since the AI doesn't clip. I personally don't enjoy AI-based runs enough to rly run this; plus there's minimal tech to use (which is what i find fun). But it'd be cool to see this used, as I feel like it could save a few seconds.

If ppl don't know what I mean by a crouch cancel clips here's a bit of an explanation: in Nidhogg u can, well, crouch. u can also hold ur sword in the throw stance. going into throw stance cancels the crouch state. This is fairly useless on the ground (actually it can't be done instantly on the ground), but a throw stance can be used to cancel a crouch hop midair. this then returns u to ur original hitbox height midair. doing this when u'd normally be near a ceiling with a crouch hop, say in the tunnels of mines, clips u into the wall. the game then forces u out of the wall, to the side if ur only partially in the wall horizontally, otherwise up or down based on how far into the wall u r vertically.

編集者 投稿者 3 years ago

Hello, I've tried this strat years ago, but it's actually slightly slower. Even did some test runs now to reconfirm.

Still can be used to avoid two screens of enemies if a runner opted for that, so the strat does have its viability. But when experienced enough with gauging distance and lunging accurately, its faster to just kill them.

United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

k-ya makes sense

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