whos gonna be speedrunning chapter 2
9 months ago
United States

who else is gonna be speedrunning chapter 2

fallendemon これを好き

when the boards come up then me

United States

I might, as long as there's not some annoying lvl 3 type rng I probably will


@MrTurtle316 boy are you in for a treat

VentureMatical, Jaymetrics, そして spamshot83 これを好き
Christmas Island

level 3 is heaven compared to some of the new ones...

good luck with more rng

man this update is such a let down gp wise tbh but hey the levels look sick at least.

Paraná, Brazil

I will do when I know almost everything about update or just do duo idk

United States

me, as ive found white bar rng shenanigans on every single level (other than neighborhood)

編集者 投稿者 9 months ago

Ik how to skip lvl 17 and a way to speed up the hospital

United States

bro graveyard has me breaking my keyboard, why the hell do I have to find two keys amidst hundreds of graves

copia これを好き

There is a map for it now


@MrTurtle316 in order to find the keys, you must search endlessly, fight 'til you're free, and fly past the edge of the sea

編集者 投稿者 9 months ago
Apeirophobia: Escape From Reality Update

As everyone might already know, after a long time, Escape From Reality update was released on the 22nd of September!

With it, major changes are coming to leaderboards:

  • Level 17 - Left Scarred
  • Level 18 - Mall
  • Level 19 - Store
  • Level 20 - Neighborhood
  • Level 21 - Graveyar
9 months ago
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