World record badge
- Run must be submitted* for at least 3 days.
- There needs to be at least 3 non-obsoleted runs in a category you have WR on.
- Only full-game* runs with "Restricted" variable (subcategory) are eligible for a WR title.
- Mobile is allowed.
- If you get a WR title you keep it forever.
- On the moment you submit the WR title form, you must have the world record for the category.
- To get the World Record role in Discord, you need to link your Discord profile to
To submit a request for a World Record title, you need to fill this form: submitted - time starts from moment you submit the run, doesn't matter when it was verified. full-game - Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Pre-Classic, Classic, Modern categories.
This is copied from the discord server if you are wondering.
Wait does your run need to place first for the title or can it also be done even if it places 2nd?
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Apeirophobia: Escape From Reality Update
As everyone might already know, after a long time, Escape From Reality update was released on the 22nd of September!
With it, major changes are coming to leaderboards:
- Level 17 - Left Scarred
- Level 18 - Mall
- Level 19 - Store
- Level 20 - Neighborhood
- Level 21 - Graveyar
レベル: Level 2 - Windows
レベル: Level 2 - Windows
レベル: Level 16 - Crumbling Memory
レベル: Level 8 - Lights Out
レベル: Level 7 - The End?