reopen mod apps
also on an unrelated note fucking fix retiming for lvl 16 get in a call and decide what counts as fading to black
but fr if trinkets resigns we would probably get 1 new verifier at least
for current amount of runs per day i am pretty sure we dont need any other verifiers (though i would be happy to see uchi or cosmik in mod team)
Apeirophobia: Escape From Reality Update
As everyone might already know, after a long time, Escape From Reality update was released on the 22nd of September!
With it, major changes are coming to leaderboards:
- Level 17 - Left Scarred
- Level 18 - Mall
- Level 19 - Store
- Level 20 - Neighborhood
- Level 21 - Graveyar
レベル: Level 8 - Lights Out
レベル: Level 0 - Lobby
レベル: Level 10 - The Abyss