Can we please get some guides/resources
11 months ago
Devon, England

Trying to learn this game is a nightmare, i am trying to do defeat zoe but cant even get to the tower with the wanted level require to kill the boss before they just gun me down and theres no tutorials ANYWHERE


Hey! A lot of discussion about the routes and otherwise are on the Discord. I can ask if some of the runners can start posting guides on here though!

As for the guards for Zoe, we discovered that the guards won't shoot if you're not facing them BUT they can shoot you when you're climbing (which is why many spam space + jump climb up walls)

Devon, England

Thank you your a star!

Kentucky, USA

Working on a Tutorial% guide, should have it done this weekend

Result of the Poll to Allow Lifmunk or not

The result of the poll ran on Discord regarding what should happen in runs that Lifmunk's /クルリス ability is used in a way that relies on good PCs/hardware has concluded and it was decided that:

**Outside of UNRESTRICTED runs, Lifmunk/クルリス abusing is banned until further notic

11 months ago